Hi everyone,
This is my first post although I've been in the group for just over a year. DH and I were referred for IVF due to tubal blockage, I had an operation just over two years ago to unblock the tubes. The operation wasn't overly successful but we were advised to TTC naturally for six months before we'd be considered for NHS treatment. We did try but to no avail. This is our first round of IVF, NHS funded.
I'm on day 8 of stims, I attended first scan and bloods this morning. I was told that I have 2 follicles. I was also told that there is fluid in my tubes. This was a shock as I had a scan in November and there was no fluid present. I asked the nurse how this was possible and she couldn't really answer (which I understand as it's so complex). The nurse told me that we'd carry on with stims and that I will go back on Wednesday for further scan and bloods. She said that the fluid will be drained during EC but that any eggs collected may need to be frozen for another attempt. Nurse also told me that it may be recommended to have tubes clipped or removed.
I'm so absolutely shattered and down even thinking about it. DH and I have been married for four and a half years and have been TTC for all of that time.
I just don't know how to keep positive today x