Food, sickness and heart burn in earl... - Fertility Network UK

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Food, sickness and heart burn in early pregnancy

CC2018 profile image
31 Replies

Hi all. I was wondering if anyone had any advice or ideas or natural to combat nausea, sickness and heart burn. I hope I don't sound ungrateful as i'm glad I have these pregnancy symptoms but i'm not sure what to do diet wise. We normally plan what we are eating for the week and since our ivf and the pregnancy I've been trying to eat really healthily but now the thought of eating vegetables of any kind makes my nausea even worse and I was sick yesterday after drinking decaff tea. I've been trying to eat fruit and salad when I've been up to it but at the moment it seems white carbs are the only thing not making me feel ill and I'm sticking to beans on toast. I did have wholemeal bread and now I struggle with that too. I've tried ginger biscuits and ginger ale but the effect doesn't last long. I also can't stop burping from 1st thing in the morning to the last thing at night, even if I have only drank water all day. Just a sip sets me off even worse. Any advice is greatly received xx

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31 Replies

Carbs were a big favourite for me in my early weeks as well- speaking to other people, it’s pretty common to feel that way. If you are feeling quite sick- don’t stress yourself too much about your diet. Just eat what you can- little and often. I found ginger ale quite helpful. I found any type of hot drink made me feel sick so stopped those. I ate cereal quite often as they are fortified with vitamins and I loved watermelon and mango! There were good days and bad days so eat what you fancy on the good days because overall it will even out. Hopefully you are taking folic acid and vitamin d.

If you’re not able to keep anything down or your heartburn is really bad; see your GP as there are anti sickness pills and heartburn medication available. I hope it gets better for you- it did for me xxx (now 18 weeks)

CC2018 profile image
CC2018 in reply to

Thank you! I'm 7 weeks today and I think I was more worried I wasn't giving the embie the best. I'm taking folic acid, omega 3 and vitamin d. I've had to take the santogen vits as pregnacare have vitamin k in and i' m on blood thinners. X

Hey I have just gotten to 14 weeks and I feel your pain.

I was so healthy before my BFP and then found it hard to eat my usual meals.

I craved cornflakes of all things and just a lot of toast.

I think if you are taking your pregnancy multi vitamins then you should be fine.

I also took pregnancy probiotics which helped a lot.

I think as long as you are not eating total rubbish you are fine.

I ate little and often too which helped. I drank soda water and lime too, tons of it - but no idea if that is good or bad!

But I didn't have severe symptoms so.

.not sure how helpful.


CC2018 profile image
CC2018 in reply to

Thanks! I've not been too bad. We had a wedding on Saturday so was a bit bad food wise them but no alcohol of course. Toast is my friend at the moment and I have been fancying cornflakes so may have to get some! I've got my niece with me today and we ending up a McDonalds which is unusual for me. I think the plain fries and lemonade oddly made me feel better. Now i' m telling myself off for having fast food. Going to be good now- have the 1st scan Wednesday. Hope you're pregnancy is going well xx

in reply to CC2018

I think you need to get something down to keep yourself going.

I was dizzy and still am even though my apetite seems to have come back with a bang! 🤣

Just try to make the best choice you can and don't feel guilty - you can be back on your veggies and healthy stuff in 2nd trimester if nausea subsides.

Best of luck for your scan!!


CC2018 profile image
CC2018 in reply to

Thank you :) I feel your pain with the dizziness. I'm going light headed now and then to even just walking around a corner! Can't wait for the scan- just hope we see something xx

in reply to CC2018

Fingers crossed! Re the diet etc I am sure there are people with more experience than me that can advise too.

Looking forward to your update after the scan.


in reply to

Ps Lizzie is right everyone recommends ginger ale but it made me want to projectile vomit! 🤮🤢🤣

White carbs is normal, my midwife told me not to worry and basically to eat what I can. It feels weird to have a rubbish diet if you usually have a really good one but baby will take what they need from you. Mashed potato, porridge, marmite on white toast, crisps, fishfingers: this was mostly what I ate for weeks! Hubbie and I stopped eating together as I just had to have what I fancied. Apple juice was the only thing I could drink except water. I’ve only just got back on to decaf tea the past few days and I’m now 23 weeks.

Eat little and often, but there’s no magic cure and you’ll probably get sick of people suggesting ginger to you! The more sleep, the less sickness in my experience so get those naps in!

Gaviscon is safe in pregnancy if you have heart burn.

CC2018 profile image
CC2018 in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie

Thanks! Oddly enough I made us fish fingers the other day as it was the only thing I fancied and looked safe. My mum and acupuncturist both recommended eating a plain biscuit in bed before you get up so I now have a packet of rich tea my side of the bed lol. Decided not to risk hot drinks for the moment as it was decaff tea that started me being sick. Hope your pregnancy is going well xx

destiny121 profile image

Omg i could have written the same but didnt want to appear to ungrateful or moaning. The burping i have is horrendous, i also have a bottle to spit it with me at all times, and not only that i cant poo🙈literally the nausea all day and being sick at least twice.... and feel like i cant eat... ill have to see the doctors very soon

CC2018 profile image
CC2018 in reply to destiny121

Oh no! I feel your pain- i'm struggling with digestion too and my tummy is super bloated. The burping is the most annoying as I also think i'm going to be sick and then I burp instead :) At least our embies embies are telling us they're there xx

destiny121 profile image
destiny121 in reply to CC2018

Yes tell me about it... i run to the loo and then its an almighty burp 😂😂

penny24 profile image

Congratulations on the pregnancy! I’m 12 weeks at the mo. Tea pigs do a nice ginger and rhubarb tea if u fancy that? Maybe gavascon will help with the heartburn. Personally I’m struggling with constipation 😞 so any tips on that one gratefully received. I’m having a have a small bit of chilli to help! Will be worth it when baby arrives xx

CC2018 profile image
CC2018 in reply to penny24

Ooo I normally love chilli. It sounds made but Wetherspoons 5 bean chilli is my favourite if we ever go there (once in a blue moon). Constipation isn't too bad at the moment but I am struggling to go more. Currently very bloated. Like you say it will be worth it xx

CC2018 profile image
CC2018 in reply to penny24

Congratulations on your pregnancy too. Can't wait for the 12 week scan it's been hard enough waiting for our 7 week scan Wednesday xx

penny24 profile image
penny24 in reply to CC2018

Thanks! I might try the bean chilli at Wetherspoons. The 7 week scan is amazing u see the heart beat! At my 12 week scan the baby had hiccups ! Too cute. In my area we get 2 extra scans because it’s was ivf. So next scan at 20 weeks then 30 and 36 weeks. When is your 7 week scan ? Xx

CC2018 profile image
CC2018 in reply to penny24

Hiccups! How sweet- it's amazing what you can see. Ours is Wednesday- I think I only get the one extra as this is an ivf baby too but i'm not sure. I have lupus and was told I should have more blood tests to monitor any changes to my blood which may have been the reason we had trouble conceiving in the first place but no one's really sure. We were labelled unexplained and had never been pregnant before so really hoping this little one is here to stay xx

penny24 profile image
penny24 in reply to CC2018

Good luck xx

Thirtysixyrslooking profile image
Thirtysixyrslooking in reply to penny24

Glycerin suppositories. Use rectally. It melts and there she blows to get u unclogged

CC2018 profile image
CC2018 in reply to Thirtysixyrslooking

Haha sounds dangerous but probably worth it when it gets worse!

Try the sickness bands my friend swears by them

CC2018 profile image
CC2018 in reply to

Wow thank you! Will give them a try xx

in reply to CC2018

I’m four weeks today and I’m starting to feel queasy... I will be ordering these ASAP

CC2018 profile image
CC2018 in reply to

Good plan! Congratulations on your pregnancy :) hopefully your first scan will fly by. Mine seems to be taking it forever! 2 more days to go. Hope your pregnancy goes well xx

forMoira profile image

I have no good advice but my own experience is similar. I was also eating healthily before I got pregnant and now I eat a lot of rubbish. I was worried about it but my Chinese herbalist said just to eat what I fancy. I've been having chocolate croissants and chocolate milk this week. Like you I don't fancy the wholemeal bread anymore either.

I was eating lots of salads before I got pregnant and chicken, fish and fruit. Now the thought of meat makes me sick and I worry that the embie isn't getting enough protein but I just try to make sure I get everything in a week rather than in a day like before.

Lovefood1984 profile image

Nausea since day after bloods for me 😞 I tried everything on the pregnancy list and none worked. I ended up on anti nausea meds and I still am at nearly 28 weeks (just a lower dose than the first trimester) Like you I don’t want to sound like I’m moaning but it sucks! I echo everyone else, eat what you fancy (white carbs were my friend in the first trimester and I’m going back that way into my 3rd) as long as you are getting enough calories, pregnancy vitamins and fluid baby will take what it needs. My doctor said they’d rather I was on meds and eating and drinking than not eating and drinking enough off meds. I did manage a lot of salads during my second will get better but don’t beat yourself up, as long as you’re doing the best you can x

CC2018 profile image
CC2018 in reply to Lovefood1984

Thank you. Think i'm struggling on the fluid front even water makes me feel sick. Trying to get it down with bringing it back up. Hope your sickness gets better xx

Lovefood1984 profile image
Lovefood1984 in reply to CC2018

I’ve come to expect mines probably not going to get any better until after baby is here (and I really look forward to not having this feeling hanging over me 24/7 😂) Luckily for me I’ve not been sick since week 6, long may that continue! If you can’t keep enough water down and your pee goes dark then it’s time to see your GP, at my worst I couldn’t manage any food and was having less than 500mls of water in a day.....caught mine before it turned into a hospital trip 😊 Hope yours eases soon, you will feel better, how much better no one can say x

Lynnr54 profile image

I agree with the other ladies - eat whatever you can stomach. I’ve also been about white carbs and weirdly fast food. Normally I have salad on a lunchtime but just the idea of it makes me feel queasy. I feel like I’ve put on loads of weight from all the crap I’ve been eating but I stood in the scales the other day and I’ve only put on 4lb in the course of the whole trimester (must be all the throwing up!). I’ve also found that plain water makes me feel ill and normally I drink it by the gallon. I find Oasis summer fruits is the only drink that doesn’t make me truly feel ill, but I’m conscious of the sugar levels in it so limit myself to a bottle a day. Sparkling water also sits better on my stomach than fresh water. The first trimester is about getting through it any way you can - you can start eating right again in the second trimester. Hopefully the sickness eases off soon!

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