Hi, I am completely new to all of this and have found reading others posts, questions, answers and experiences very interesting and comforting. However tonight I am completely freaking out! I have collected all of medication and am due to start my injections tom. Up until now I have tried to remain calm and not research online following the hospital instructions. I have cut out alcohol, taken folic acid and have tried to have a healthy diet and lifestyle. Now having read all of the posts I am stressed that I have not been taking all of the supplements people have been suggesting, have not cut out tea, didn't know about pineapple, pomegranate juice, warm feet, cold drinks, drinking from plastic, wearing certain make Up etc and now feel overwhelmed and totally underprepared. This is our first cycle and now can't help but feel angry at myself for not preparing properly and researching things. If doesn't work can't help but blame myself for being silly.
Stressing : Hi, I am completely new to... - Fertility Network UK
Hey M, welcome and congrats to you getting to this point of the journey 😊
You are doing great! Sounds like you have prepped really well - easy to say but try not to worry.
Wishing you all the good luck ❤️Xx
Oh I’ve not even heard about half the things you are talking about lol. Every time I have a hospital appointment I ask about different things I’ve heard and they always tell me as long as you take your multi vitamin with folic acid, stop drinking and are healthy it’s fine. I feel if you completely change your lifestyle it becomes more stressful and less likely to work which is even worse. X
None of the things you’re saying are proven, your clinic will give you a steer on the things you really must do. Other stuff can make us feel like we have more control and influence over the process but it’s unlikely they’ll make the big difference. And taking it too far can make you feel out of control and like it’s all your own fault, when actually it’s biology, science and a big dose of luck. The only thing I would say is check how much caffeine you’re taking in as that’s why people cut out tea- it’s not necessary to cut it out completely but some people find it easier to have none then you know you’re not having too much caffeine. As regards the other stuff, pomegranate juice is meant to build your lining so you don’t need to take it until you start stims (or don’t bother), and pineapple core/Brazil nuts are for after transfer (or don’t bother - I didn’t and I’m now 20 weeks pregnant). So if you want to do those things then you still have time. Warm feet for conception is a Chinese medicine concept and I can’t believe you’ve had cold feet in this weather. But remember, at the end of the day, this process is science, not magic. Your clinic wants you to succeed as much as you do, and if pineapple core was going to make the difference then they would have prescribed it for you. I’m sure Diane the nurse on here would just tell you to be sensible and eat a healthy diet. Good luck!! 🤞🏻🤞🏻
Like you said you're eating healthily and taking a folic acid supplement, as long as you follow the advice you get from the doctor then you're doing the right thing.
At the end of the day we put our trust in the professionals. We're often paying them £000s so it's up to them to make sure you know everything you need to know x
I agree with Lizzie, the only thing I did above what you are doing was to go decaf before my cycle started. My first cycle was successful and I’m currently 24 weeks pregnant (with 3 in the freezer!) so try not to stress too much about all the extra things but if they make you feel better then do them x
Please do not worry about all the diet stuff. It sounds like you’re leading a healthy lifestyle and are well prepared. You’re right to try to relax now and give it your best shot. At this stage I think it’s up to the drugs to do their business and ultimately Mother Nature decides the final outcome. I think we can be really hard on ourselves. This process is difficult enough without that. If you want a cup of tea and a slice of cake, I say go for it! Small creature comforts will help get you through the next few weeks. Take care and very best of luck xx
Thank you, it is hard as have been trying not to think too much about it up until now to not stress myself out! However now it is here I can't help w/o trying about the things I could be doing to increase the chances! Thanks for your advice and support. Good luck with your journey x