Hi everyone,
I'm new to this forum. I've been reading lots about your experiences and it's been really informative - but also given me a little anxiety!
I'm at the beginning of my fertility journey. I'm 33 years old. My husband and I have been TTC for three years. I was diagnosed with deep infiltrated endometriosis two years ago after ten years of battling pain and have been having treatment for that since. After two surgeries, most of the endo was excised and cysts were drained.
I'm now beginning my cycle monitoring and have my first scan today. I'm having a HSG next month to see how my tubes are doing. According to my surgeon, my left tube was swollen and needed to be drained but my right tube looked okay. They couldn't guarantee that the right tube was not blocked.
I'm so nervous about this fertility journey. It's been such a long road already with the severe pain and trauma of surgeries, and also the emotional side of both this and failing to conceive. It's been harder because we have a huge family on both my side and my husband's and literally every 3-6 months someone is having a baby. It's SO hard being in close proximity to so many people with babies and dealing with a body that is not only failing to do it's job but has turned my life upside down.
You are all so brave with your IVF journeys, I don't know how you do it. I feel like if I have to take the IVF route after everything I've been through so far, it will tip me over the edge.
I feel silly saying I don't want to go for IVF - because who does? And I feel silly saying I can't cope - because look at all you doing it! But right now, the thought of more emotional and bodily trauma gives me SO much anxiety.