Hello lovely people
I am looking to share my story and give/get support from anyone out there who is going through a similar situation.
My husband and I have been trying for a baby for nearly two years now. Since I knew I had PCOS I went to my GP after six months of trying and was referred to our local reproductive unit. I was then put on Clomid for four months, I ovulated normally each month but we didnt get lucky.
In August 2017 we started our first round of IVF. I was a high risk for OHSS andwas monitored very closely. We had 11 eggs retrieved, 7 were mature and five fertilized. They graded all variations of B plus and minus. We had one put back in but again we were not lucky enough to get pregnant that cycle.
I always imagined that failing an IVF cycle would break me, and to be honest, it has been very hard. It's still fresh as we got the BFN at the beginning of October 2017. I have days were have no hope and I fear that all of my inevitable negativity would bring us more nativity. I feel really stuck in this loop.
I would love to hear from all you who have experienced this level of anxiety on how to manage it and keep positive.