Not looking forward to FET? - Fertility Network UK

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Not looking forward to FET?

2-shades-of-hope profile image

Is anyone struggling to feel positive about their treatment? We’re about to start our first FET. When we did our fresh cycle I was hopeful and excited but now I know the disappointment of it not working I just don’t feel positive this time, pretty much dreading it! I did short protocol before but this time I’m doing down reg and I feel like 5 weeks of treatment for it to then fail is even worse. Obviously it will be totally worth it if the outcome is good but I just can’t beleive that it will be. If anyone’s been there and has any tips that would be great xx

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2-shades-of-hope profile image
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22 Replies

I was there....after our failed fresh cycle I wanted to get going on the frozen but just didn't believe in the clinic or the process anymore....silly really as ladies on here go through so many cycles and remain so strong.

Try to keep going - maybe it is better to be pessimistic - so it could be a nice surprise to get a BFP.

Such a difficult rollercoaster of a process.

Wishing you best of luck.


2-shades-of-hope profile image
2-shades-of-hope in reply to

Thank you so much. I’m sorry to hear about your failed cycle. I think you’re right about being less optimistic it will work this time. Xx

in reply to 2-shades-of-hope

I got BFP first cycle after failed cycle with a natural pregnancy. Still early days but honestly nothing is impossible in this process....

You can do it! 😀 xxx

2-shades-of-hope profile image
2-shades-of-hope in reply to

Congratulations! 😊

Lisaworthy1981 profile image

I feel the same! Our first ended in a chemical so I’m anxious the same might happen again!

We’re on a natural fet hopefully having transfer this week!

Sending you lots of luck xxx

2-shades-of-hope profile image
2-shades-of-hope in reply to Lisaworthy1981

I’m sorry to hear that, that’s really sad. I don’t know much about natural FET. I have unexplained infertility so not sure whether it would be an option for me but it sounds like a much nicer process? Good luck for your transfer Xx

Niki_B profile image

You are lucky to have a frostie 😊. I have to start all over again in September...and lose more weiight etc. After our failed cycle in April. I swear some days I'm like F this am I really gonna lose 5kgs (I love food!) Give up my wine, eat like a rabbit, jab myself with God knows how many needles...all for it to fail again??!! I really don't know if I can face the heartbreak again, so yes dear I know exactly how your feeling 😞. But I wish you sooo much baby dust, you are a strong woman who's been through hell and back!! Sprinkle sprinkle sprinkle xxx

2-shades-of-hope profile image
2-shades-of-hope in reply to Niki_B

Thank you. I’m sorry to hear about your failed cycle. It is so hard isn’t it. I comfort eat and it’s tough to feel motivated sometimes when it feels stacked against you. I hope that your next cycle goes well if that’s what you decide to do xx

destiny121 profile image

I totally get this.... i had failed fresh cycle in october and im down reggin at the moment for my frozen. I dont feel anything, not excited.... im just after afraid that it wont work again. I also get these random shivers down my body when i think about it..... but who knows.... wish i had a crystal ball.... good luck xxxx

2-shades-of-hope profile image
2-shades-of-hope in reply to destiny121

I can really relate to that. How is down reg going? Have you had many side effects? I’d really like to forget about it until the point of transfer but I’m thinking with injections every day, tablets and patches that might be a bit unrealistic 😆 xx

destiny121 profile image
destiny121 in reply to 2-shades-of-hope

Down reg is going ok, not had many side affects to be honest, just had my af so thats good. Got my first scan 2moro... sometimes im driving and ill shout out to myself ‘omg this is actually happening, i could be pregnant in a month’ lol but then i face reality that i might not be... so horrible this journey!! You want to be excited and positive all the way, but in the back of your head you know it may not work.... how many frosties do you have? Im going to transfer 2...god willing they thaw ok xxx

2-shades-of-hope profile image
2-shades-of-hope in reply to destiny121

Ah that’s good it’s going well. I know what you mean. We have 5 which is a good number but they are not the best grades (although they froze them so must be potentially good enough). Good luck for transfer, hopefully time will pass quickly! X

Cinderella5 profile image

Im just about to start preparing for another FET, start down reg on 30th. Im becoming a bit of a veteran now and it still makes my tummy go funny with nerves to think about it, what if it doesnt work, what if it does?!! I think the more we have to suffer failure the harder it becomes to believe that it can work but we're still here so we must have some hope!! I dont really have many tips to share apart from try if you can to keep a bit of normality whilst doing this. Its hard not to get sucked in! Wishing you luck!xx

2-shades-of-hope profile image
2-shades-of-hope in reply to Cinderella5

Thank you, you are right about the hope as we wouldn’t do it otherwise. I’m sorry to hear it sounds like you’ve been through a lot. Good advice about keeping normality, I just want to forget about it as much as possible. Good luck with your transfer xx

Leo2017 profile image

I can absolutely relate - I just started progynova yesterday for my 3rd cycle!! 1st fresh failed, 2nd frozen I had a MMC at 10wks which was at the end of March!! 😢 I just feel really numb about this whole cycle, and almost feel like I’m dreading it!! 😕

Wishing you the very best of luck!! 🤞🏻xxx

2-shades-of-hope profile image
2-shades-of-hope in reply to Leo2017

Sorry to hear about your failed cycle and MMC that is so sad. I hope that this time goes well, but I can totally understand why you feel numb xx

Kaylon profile image

Sorry to hear about your doubts. I'm currently preparing for a frozen transfer and I felt very similar after our failed fresh cycle. I went so far as to disregard the frostie as rubbish and got told off as it's still a major chance and a little soul waiting for its chance. Luckily the frozen cycle is so much less invasive so it really isn't on my mind constantly which helps. And I'm really keeping my expectations in check. The heartbreak after the failed cycle was so immense so I'm not getting even remotely excited at the moment. Just self preservation really. Good luck either yours and don't give up on your little frostie yet xxx

2-shades-of-hope profile image
2-shades-of-hope in reply to Kaylon

Thank you, that’s kind of you. I had it all planned out in my head thinking about which month the baby would be born last time and my close family and friends were very much ‘think positive and it will happen’ but obviously that’s not how infertility works. I’m sorry to hear about your unsuccessful cycle and hope you have lots of luck with your FET xx

andylins profile image

I can definitely relate. Here's some of my background. Me – 37. DH – 38. TTC since Jan 2008. Faced 2 chemical pregnancies the 2 following years. Was put on Clomid 50 but ended with another chemical. Oct-Dec 2010 Fermara 5 and Purgon 75. Had 3 months break from treatments. Feb & Mar & Apr 2011 IUI #1 & 2 & 3 Purgon 150 & Clomid 100 BFN x3. IVF #1 Superfact & Puregon 300. 10 eggs retrieved, 8 mature, 6 eggs fertilized, 2 survived. Transferred 2 low grade morulas on day 5 – BFN.

Donor Egg Cycle. IVF#1 (DE)April 2015. Transferred 1 grade 4AA embryo – BFN. Dr made some changes into treatment protocol. IVF#2 (DE) - transferred 2 blasts. BFP on 6dp5dt.1st Beta 148. 2nd Beta- 315. 7wk 3d ultrasound - 1 heartbeat 138bpm, measuring 7wks 3ds. My sweet son born via C-section. Sorry, I know it's TMI, but here's what I wanted to say. This path might be so painful at times, emotionally painful first. And the most frustrating thing over this is that we aren't the ones who rule..We wait and hope, hope and wait and of course this causes all those ups and downs. I guess a couple of weeks I turned to this very board sharing my long story of success with ladies, telling now I know I want MORE KIDS. And that I was so much scared of going through this once(hopefully) more. I was seeking inspiration to make myself feel better. Ladies here are the hell of support. I want to say don't be hard on yourself, honey. This is a rollercoaster and it effects each of us differently. Still I know for sure, if you're just about to start your FET (you're increadibly lucky you've got frosties!!) you keep on struggling. You're a brave worrior having a weak moment only. I'm sure you'll overcome this moment soon. Stay well. Feel well. We're here for you. Fingers crossed for your FET!

2-shades-of-hope profile image
2-shades-of-hope in reply to andylins

Thank you so much. I’m sorry to hear you’ve been through so much heartbreak but it is really lovely that you have your son, it does show that it’s all worth it. I’m sure he’s very loved after everything you’ve been through. Xx

You have to train your mind to think positive, it’s really important. You’re so lucky to be able to go ahead with an FET. Ivf is a bit of a numbers game and sometimes you have to keep trying! Ive been through 6 cycles both here and abroad, 6 losses both naturally and with ivf but so far so good on 6th cycle, first transfer and 15 weeks pregnant...cautiously hopeful! Fingers crossed for you and wishing you the best of luck xxx

2-shades-of-hope profile image
2-shades-of-hope in reply to

Thank you. I agree about the numbers game. I’m sorry to hear you have been through so much with your losses. Congratulations on your pregnancy, it is good to know that even after so much you have overcome it, that’s amazing. XX

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