So after our second IUI which ended in a BFN after 4 positive pregnancy tests it’s time to move forward.
We had our appointment with our FS today to go over everything and sign the consents for full IVF. Apparently due to a shortage of donor sperm she has decided to go straight to ICSI to increase our chances as this will be our third and final try with this donor before we have to choose another one.
She went through the timeline and the changes to medication from the previous IUIs. In her words I responded really well to the low dose (37.5mg daily of FSH) for IUI so she thinks I will respond amazingly to the 200mg and will change it depending on bloods and ultrasounds if need be.
Everything has been signed off and drugs have been ordered just need to wait for my period which is due on the 5th of March.
I’m super nervous as I know it will be different to IUI but also super excited and crossing everything that we will get our miracle baby soon 🌈.
Hope all you lovelies are doing well xx