Hi! I’m new here and on my first round of IVF. Our first FET is tomorrow morning and I literally just started overthinking every single thing I feel in my body?!? Anyone have any tips to help me prepare?
FET Tips: Hi! I’m new here and on my... - Fertility Network UK
FET Tips

Hi, welcome to the forum. It’s normal to overthink everything, you’re not alone in that respect. The main advice I can give is to try and stay calm and relaxed through the process, though I appreciate that’s easier said than done. Try and stay off google during your two week wait or you’ll end up driving yourself crazy. The other thing I recommend not doing but again far easier said than done is symptom spotting. You may have symptoms, you may not. Symptoms might be a sign of pregnancy, they might be a side effect of your meds. Pretty much every symptom you could list for pregnancy is also a side effect of the meds and there will be ladies on here had those symptoms and got BFPs and others haven’t. Equally there are ladies on here with no symptoms whatsoever gone on to have BFPs whilst others haven’t. Its such a frustrating couple of weeks and you just have to get through it the best you can. If you’re still at work then that should help pass the time (though please try not to do anything too strenuous). If you’ve taken time off then I personally found a combination of getting out and about for some nice walks plus getting engrossed in a couple of decent box sets a good way to pass the time. Good luck with the transfer and the 2ww!
Best of luck for your FET x

Hi abrownrx15. You could even try a couple of sessions of acupuncture. It helps to relax you and to ensure good blood flow to your womb lining. I'm sure you're already eating sensibly, and do make sure you get plenty of sleep if you can. i shall be thinking of you. Diane
Wishing you luck for a smooth transfer!xx
Thank you! That was such a positive thing to say