Any success with 2 day Grade 2 transf... - Fertility Network UK

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Any success with 2 day Grade 2 transfer of 1 embryo?

Lowamh profile image
15 Replies

I’m a newbie and this is my first post, sorry if I ramble! We have been diagnosed with Unexplained infertility and I have low AMH (6.4). Our 1st IVF cycle hasn’t gone that well so far. I was a poor responder to the stims (antagonist protocol) and ended up with a dominant follicle much larger than the others. We only had one scan on day 8 and I feel like this didn’t help. I then had a double trigger after 9 days of stims. At egg collection, 3 eggs were retrieved and of those, 2 were just slightly too immature despite the extra trigger. Thankfully our 1 mature egg fertilised and we’ve had a day 2 transfer today. The embryologist said it was a 3 cell embryo but it had more fragmentation than they would have liked. I’m not too familiar with grading but I think the form said grade 2d, I know this reflects the quality not being ideal but does anyone know what this means? Has anyone had an success with a day 2 transfer of a poorer quality egg? We will try again if it doesn’t work out and having read some of the posts on here, I’ve ordered DHEA and coq10 to try to improve egg quality and quantity next time. Thanks for any advice x

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15 Replies
Steadman80 profile image


I’m a poor responder too, with low AMH. On second cycle. First cycle I got two embryos both fertilised, one put back in and a missed miscarriage. Mine wasn’t a great quality, but was a 5 day transfer. My other embryo wasn’t suitable for freezing at day 6. This time, I went on DHEA for three months beforehand, and consultant added in a new medication. I got 5 eggs, three fertilised but only one made it to transfer. The embryo I got put in was a morula (stage before blasto they said), at day 3 it was a 4 cell. I’m in my 2ww. I’ve read lots of positive stories on low cell transfers, they are better off in the body. I’ve been having Accupuncture and doing lots of positive visualisation. I’ve downloaded zita west talking audios too. I wish you all the best and hope my post has helped xx

Lowamh profile image
Lowamh in reply to Steadman80

Thanks Steph8080, that’s really helpful. I hope your 2ww is going well and I’ll be following along for support. My clinic transfers all embryos on day 2/3 if there are 2 or less and only goes to blast if there are more than 3. It’s strange how they have such different approaches. It’s amazing how you went from 2 to 5 and I’ll look into acupuncture now too. In my head I’m already gearing up for cycle 2 and the possibility of using donor eggs abroad.

What medication were you on during both rounds?

Steadman80 profile image
Steadman80 in reply to Lowamh

I don’t understand how they all differ so much. So the first time on was on max dose merional and then cetrotide. This time I was on max dose benfola, cetrotide and he added in letrozole for 5 days too. I just don’t think my quality is great. The first time they were better. Have you been on similar meds?? My clinic would have let me have two put in this time but I was lucky to get one! If it was three day they may have let me put two in. I’ve paid privately this time. I’ve been reading about natural modified cycles where you use your own normal ovulation egg rather than trying to get more. I’ve read it’s better for poor responders, funny my clinic have never mentioned it. I learn more from these sites xx

Lowamh profile image
Lowamh in reply to Steadman80

I started stims on day 3 of my cycle, I was on 375 bemfola and added cetrotide from day 5. I did 9 days and then my triggers were 10,000 Gonal and 2ml buserelin. That’s interesting that they added Letrozole, what days was this? I learn more from these sites too, the clinic doesn’t really discuss results as and when you get them during the process. We felt let down by the one scan - it wasn’t good news and they just sent us in our way, I think they should have Doctors available to discuss options if results aren’t great during the process x

Steadman80 profile image
Steadman80 in reply to Lowamh

The nurse has filed my treatment book and I didn’t take a copy. I think it was from like day 3-7 inclusive. They all overlapped. It was at the beginning, I’d been on the benfola for a few days. I got a better response but that could have been from the DHEA as well who knows?! My AMH is lower than yours at 3.5. I only had the one scan this time. She said before she scanned my if we don’t have at least three follicles we are cancelling the cycle, I was petrified!!! However last time, I had an early scan and the fertility nurse had me written off but I managed to get an egg and get pregnant but loads more stress. Don’t know which was better! Oh I’m on progesterone injections this time too Xx

Missy_22 profile image

I have not heard of a two day transfer before but anything is low Amy of 3.2 and ak aye get about three eggs: had one top grade this time time with two donor eggs.

I have been on coq10 and dhea and I’m convinced it has helped with quality.

So good luck xxx

Catlady2013 profile image

Thank you o found this post really helpful! I’m due my day 10 stims scan on Monday, hoping for egg retrieval Wednesday. I had 4 follicles on my first scan so just hoping they’ve kept growing. My clinic only does 5 day transfers, but I’m going to request a three day transfer if we are lucky enough to get one to fertilise!!

I’ve read about the natural modified ivf- it looks very successful, I think I’ll discuss it if this cycle fails.

How is your 2ww? Sending positive vibes, I’ve read lots of success stories about early transfers/ lower grade embryos xx 🤞🏻🍍🍀✨

Lowamh profile image

4 is good news! Good luck for Monday and Wednesday. Is this your first cycle? It’s a steep learning curve and they don’t tell you much. I found waiting for the embryologist to call with updates quite nerve racking.

I think I’m out as I have my usual PMS symptoms (backache, breasts no longer as tender etc). I think it’s just the progesterone pessaries delaying AF. I test on Tuesday so only a few days go if AF doesn’t show beforehand.

I’ve read quite a few conflicting reports on natural modified, but from what I’ve read it isn’t supported by most of the IVF research. It seems to be offered predominantly by private clinics but there are a lot of research papers (Chinese and American as well as British) that do not support its use for those with low AMH. They seem to suggest higher doses of the medications are associated with increased live birth rates. It’s a minefield!

Catlady2013 profile image
Catlady2013 in reply to Lowamh

Yeah, it’s my first cycle. I’m 33 with and AMH of 3. They told me to expect about 6 eggs at collection, so I was a little deflated. I’m errorless of getting to day 5 with nothing (ha, that’s if we even get any that fertilise!).

I agree they don’t tell you much, it’s very frustrating. They won’t even tell me when they expect egg collection to be. I’m expecting it Wednesday, purely because the 4 I have are about 11mm (on day 5) so hopefully by Monday will be ready.

You see so many stories of people thinking aF os coming and getting a BFP. Don’t lose hope. I do the same, prepare for the worst but keep hope for the best!! Is this your first cycle? I’ve got everything crossed for you Tuesday xx

Catlady2013 profile image
Catlady2013 in reply to Catlady2013

That should say terrified not errorless, sausage fingers!

Lowamh profile image
Lowamh in reply to Catlady2013

It’s my first cycle too. I’m amazed at how differently each clinic approaches it, not only in relation to transfers but also the proton, types of medications and the doses. Are you on the antagonist protocol? I was on bemfola 375 x

Catlady2013 profile image
Catlady2013 in reply to Lowamh

I did 24 days of down regs (buserelin 0.5ml) now I’m taking 0.2ml buserelin and stimming with ovaleap 425 (max dose). Everywhere seems different! It’s a bit overwhelming x

Fingers crossed this will work!🤞🏻🤞🏻If you have to try again, maybe ask them to leave you a bit longer after trigger- I switched to 37 hour trigger instead of 36 on my second and third rounds and got much better maturity.

Lowamh profile image
Lowamh in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie

Thanks Lizzie, I’ll definitely ask. I think the embryologist said that they were hoping they would mature overnight which is strange, I didn’t they did this at my clinic. Do you think an extra day of stims and trigger a day later could have helped too?

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to Lowamh

I’m no doctor and can’t tell you that, I just know my own experience which was that I had different drugs as stims and a longer trigger on second and third rounds and got much better results. Would hope your clinic would have ideas on how to improve your chances if you need to do another round xx

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