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Been referred to fertility clinic by GP-any advice on what to expect?

greengreen profile image
16 Replies

Good evening,

Finally have been referred to a fertility specialist from via my GP. I have no idea what to expect. Any advice or anything I need to know, or just the process itself?

I have been referred and I have called the clinic to see when I will likely receive a letter for an appointment, as I was supposed to have been referred back in March. The clinic have apparently requested more information from my GP so still awaiting that information. Apparently it can take up to 18 weeks to get an appointment. This waiting game feels extremely long. (We've been TTC since 2016), so I am growing impatient.

I feel upset, and try to remain positive but I have good and bad days. I just would like to get my tubes checked, so I feel perhaps I should do this privately whilst I wait to get an appointment. Has anyone else gone to a private clinic in London? Or had the same experience in waiting 4 months to even get an appointment?

Feeling a bit lost as to what I should be doing, and I just want to be pro-active in this process and want to get the ball rolling as I feel like I have to keep trying.

(I have been diagnosed with PCOS since suffering with this for approx 20 years & not knowing what I had.)

Any advice welcomed. Wishing you all lots of hope, faith and luck on your journey's.

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greengreen profile image
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16 Replies

I don’t have experience but I was referred to a fertility clinic and got an appointment 10 weeks to wait they sent out forms to fill in about previous pregnancies, how long you’ve been trying how often you have sex, how much you drink, smoke, weigh etc and for your partner. I expect they’d go through what tests they will do bloods, trans vaginal scan sperm test etc

I’ve just found out I’m pregnant so I’ll not be going funny how things turn out dr said I wasn’t ovulating but I must.

greengreen profile image
greengreen in reply to

Hi! Thanks for your message, I will try to prepare all the information so I have it all ready to hand.

That's so amazing, congratulations! Yes apparently you can ovulate without a period, so you just don't know.

Wishing you all the best :)

That’s the thing I’m very regular 25 days I’ve had 2 kids in my 20’s. I was pregnant sept to Nov last year but mc I’m 38 so times ticking on but had bloods done for progesterone levels but it mustn’t have peaked. Maybe I only ovulate twice a year both my kids are January babies and this one will be 3 feb. I hope you get some answers write down questions you would like ask, I hope it all goes well for you and you get your baby soon good luck x

greengreen profile image
greengreen in reply to

Thank you, fingers crossed!x

npat90 profile image

Hi greengreen. I think the process varies drastically from each place to another. From looking at these forums etc I have noticed a huge difference in the journey between each person. My experience may not be the same but here is how ours was:

After TTC for 12 months, I spoke to my GP and she suggested waiting another 6 months before referral to see a specialist (This was April 2016). Whilst waiting she ordered some blood tests and an internal ultrasound (I don't have PCOS but in Sept 2016 I suffered from a ruptured ovarian cyst)

Oct 2016 went back to GP and she referred me to the fertility clinic - this is held in the gynecology department at our local hospital

Feb 2017 we had our first appointment. The appointment was asking questions, the doctor had a questionnaire for her to complete about smoking, height, weight, how often you dtd etc. She then carried out an internal vaginal scan and took some swabs to check for STI's (even though I had had only one partner- my husband but this is standard procedure)

She then asked for more blood tests - progesterone levels at day 21, 28 and 32 - I have very long cycles so it is to check whether I ovulate. I had an HSG done and also some more semen analysis for hubby.

We then got booked for 6 months later to go through the results- this appointment is next week so i havent had it yet but she said we will discuss the results of the tests and discuss what the next stage would be, she said they may ask for more tests etc or they may have found the reason why and can go on to starting treatment- this is you then get reffered by them to ACU - which is assisted conception unit where they again do more tests etc before putting you into any advanced fertility treatment such as IVF or IUI

It is a long and tedious wait, I guess there are a lot of us in the same boat and so it takes time to access services. It is extremely difficult to be patient but unfortunately, unless you have thousands and thousands of pounds to go private we just have to have a little faith in the NHS!

Wishing you the best of luck. If you want any more info just let me know

greengreen profile image
greengreen in reply to npat90

Honestly thank you so much for your message. That really helps to know to know that it of course is not just a lonely journey but it's something we all are going through.

I guess it's just tiring having to wait but yes have to keep the faith in the system or I will just get worked up.

We've had lots of tests done via our GP like the sti tests, semen analysis, transvaginal countless blood tests and now it's just the waiting game to speak to a specialist to see what other options or tests they need to run.

We have been saving up so we are st the stage where we think perhaps we should see a private consultant to just have all the possibilities and tests etc checked whilst we are waiting.

But after reading that it took you 6 months to get an appointment I think i may just wait and be a little more patient seeing as I have waited 2.5 months yet. So it's possibly normal.

Hope your appointment goes well and all the best on your journey x

Lissalou profile image

There are a lot of rules when going for NHS IVF for example, weather you have children either together or if either of you have a child/children from a previous relationship, weather you BMI is ok, if you smoke or not they take these all in to consideration. I was told I need IVF in order to conceive, they also told me I would get 3 tries if unsuccessful then I'd have an hysterectomy. But I got denied both IVF an a hysterectomy. (The IVF got denied because my partner has a child from a previous relationship, and the wouldn't give me a hysterectomy because of my age and because I want a baby of my own). Good luck with your journey sending baby dust your way xx

greengreen profile image


Oh so sorry to hear you were denied. That seems very unfair.

Are there any other options for you and your partner?

Yes I understand there's many rules and the wait seems to be forever but I'm trying to be patient and speaking to others and finding out more info and gaining knowledge really does feel empowering.

Thank you for sharing your journey wishing you all the best x

Lissalou profile image
Lissalou in reply to greengreen

Thank you for your kind words and I'm trying to appeal at the minuet with the help of my local MP fingers crossed we get somewhere good luck with your journey xx

jengi profile image

I can only share my experience. My GP referred me after 18 months TTC at end of Oct, had my appt 10 weeks later in Jan. In the meantime I had some bloods done, my GP requested these on certain days of my cycle (d2 & d21, I think). Then at my 1st fertility appt, I had some internal scans to look at my ovaries etc. I then had a blood test for AMH to look at ovarian reserve. Role on 4 months and I’m just going through 1st IVF cycle. I gave up caffeine & alcohol in Jan, walk every day and take a load of vitamins. Hope this is helpful Xx

greengreen profile image
greengreen in reply to jengi

Hi there

Thank you for sharing your journey. That sound pretty similar to my experience in terms of being TTC for 19 months now. So still awaiting an appointment.

I've called the clinic directly and they have said that there is a delay since my GP surgery has not provided enough information. Which means the clinic themselves have gone back to my GP to request more information and actual results from scans and tests etc.

So seems as though there has been a miscommunication which has caused extra delay.

I gave up caffiene last year but now I have just limited it to maybe 2 coffees a week and try to stay away from any other caffieneated drinks. I walk every day go for a run on the weekend have started yoga, I eat mostly homecooked food, I have never smoked and I don't drink alcohol very often and have given it up.

Thank you for sharing, I am also loading up on vitamins as I think this is something I missed on doing previously.

Yes it's definitely helpful, I like to hear others journeys as it feels like there's a community out there who have tonnes of info so it's great to share it.x

jengi profile image
jengi in reply to greengreen

Hi! Sounds like you are doing all the right things! Keep the mind calm and relaxed is my challenge so if you have any tips, please do share. I read a few books which I found helpful (It starts with an egg and Zita Wests guide to fertility and assisted conception). Both have been useful but this Forum has been my life saviour, everyone is so supportive and encouraging. Most importantly it is just reassuring to know there are others out there that understand. I wish you the best of luck on you journey! Xx

greengreen profile image
greengreen in reply to jengi

I am trying my best and giving it my all.

Unfortunately I find it difficult to keep a relaxed mind and calmness I usually get anxious I think from ober thinking. The yoga in the mornings is helpful. But if anyone has any tips then that would be great to hear.

Spot on I find it reassuring to know that strangers are willing to share stories and help others. It's keeping me going.

Thank you so much wishing you all the best x

Hi. I live in west London and went to a private clinic and had a HSG (tube check) whilst I was waiting for my NHS IVF appointment. It made things move pretty quickly as I had already got a private AMH test and baseline follicle count too. So when I went to my first appointment, the doctor just asked me whether I wanted clomid/IUI or IVF. My cycles were regular and suggested that I was ovulating so I went straight for IVF. We were referred in June/July 2017- Seen September and then had our co-ordination appointment in November and started our cycle in December.

Feel free to PM me if you would like details of where I went.

greengreen profile image
greengreen in reply to

Hi there

Thank you for sharing your journey. That's really helpful to know and also regarding time scales.

Yes I've been thinking about having tubes checked privately as I asked my GP and they said they can be checked once I have been referred to the clinic. I've done some basic research and it seems that the costs are around 500 for this test. Is this the tube test where they insert dye?

Thanks for sharing.

Wishing you all the best!x

Refocus profile image


I was referred in February and I think it took about a month for our appointment letter to come through the door with a date for two months later which typically is when I had a holiday booked! So I called and asked if I could get anything earlier and they moved me to the following week! Following the appointment I have to have another scan (because they didn't have a record of the one my GP took and was over 6 months ago anyway) which is next week (3 months after appointment). Nothing is quick with the NHS, so I'd advise getting tests done privately. I haven't because my husband keeps telling me I'm being impatient (it's been 22months ttc). :-(

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