I'm fairly new to all of this, and thought I'd try and see if I could get any advice. My partner and I have been TTC for 21 months now, and earlier in the year I had a lap for extensive endometriosis, which was subsequently removed (three months ago). Since then, our GP referred us to the NHS fertility clinic, and we had our first appointment 1 1/2 months ago. During our first appointment, we got the results of my partners' semen analysis, where we were told that he had a 'very low sperm count' of approx 2m. The doctor suggested a second semen analysis, and to check for genetic abnormalities, which I believe we are getting the results for this tomorrow. He told us that IUI is not an option for us, and that we would need IVF with ICSI to have a successful conception and pregnancy. He said that funding is available for one cycle on the NHS only, and that it is a complicated process to apply for funding.
We were pretty blind-sided by this, the whole appointment lasted about five minutes total and we came out feeling pretty traumatised and numb. At the end, the doctor asked us whether we had any questions - neither of us could think of anything! I honestly just wanted to cry.
Since that first appointment, I've been racking my brains about what to ask in the next appointment, but I just don't know what to say. Therefore, can I ask you what I should be asking about in the next fertility appointment? Do you recommend pushing in a particular direction? We are really at a loss, and are just desperate for a child, but felt no compassion from the first experience. Any guidance / advice / support would be very much appreciated.