IVF Newbie- First Appt. What to expect? - Fertility Network UK

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IVF Newbie- First Appt. What to expect?

LaceyS90 profile image
9 Replies

Hello everyone, thank you for taking the time to read. So a little background, my husband and I have been trying for almost 7 years with no success. I've been down several routes, including a fertility specialist, an operation and lots of horrific testing. It's now been two years since we started the process with a fertility specialist. We have just been told that IVF is our now our only option after chlomid failed.

May I just ask for those who are experiencing or have experienced this process..

1) Waiting times- how long were you on the NHS waiting list? I know this differs depending on location etc but a rough estimate may help my worries

2) What happened at your first appointment?

And anything else that you feel is relevant to know as someone walking into this with fresh eyes and ears. No one I know has been through this, so me and my husband are going it alone.

Thank you in advance for your advice X

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9 Replies
PenguinBlue profile image

Hi Lacey! I've just been through what you are and am now about to start my IVF cycle.

I'm in london so after a year of trying I went to my GP who referred me to my local hospital for the initial blood tests, ultrasound and the delightful HSG! Everything came back clear including husbands sample so back to the consultation we went and they told me that as I am ovulating they wouldn't recommend clomid and straight to ivf. It was about 3.5 months till our first appointment at the fertility clinic but that was in december and since then it's been quite quick!

To help in summarising though:

Dec18: gp referral

Jan19-Apr19: blood tests, sperm sample and ultrasound

June19: consultation with fertility nurse

Aug19: hsg and 2nd fertility consultation

Oct19: we submitted paperwork for fertility clinic referral (probably could have done this in sept!)

Dec19: first fertility clinic consultation

Jan-feb20: blood tests, 3d sis, dummy transfer, group lecture and 2 consultations

Mar20: nurse protocol

Apr20: stims and transfer if all goes to plan!

In our first consultation they just went through our history and told us about the next steps we would need. Which first consultation are you in? The hospital or the fertility clinic?

It is scary but you will be amazing! Wishing you all the best xxxx

LaceyS90 profile image
LaceyS90 in reply to PenguinBlue

Hello PenguinBlue!

Thank you for taking the time to reply.

I feel like I've been in limbo for the past two years. We've been trying to conceive for almost 7 years. I was referred by my GP to an infertility specialist at my local hospital. The waiting times for me have been unbearable.

I have had all tests done and have been diagnosed with a bicornate uterus (heart shaped womb) however this is only slightly dipped and they seem optimistic that this shouldn't affect me with conceiving. My uterus is also retroverted. My husbands sperm results were very good so no worries there. So after all that they said they found a large fibroid which pushed everything back. Had an op to have it removed only to find NOTHING! They did a biopsy of my lining which came back as clear. I was so frustrated that I had to wait for a surgery only for nothing to be found. 4-5 months on from surgery I was given chlomid as I'm not ovulating (cannot find a reason for this). I had all the horrible symptoms and the max dose but sadly it didn't work.

I have now been told that my only option is IVF so I am now waiting for my first appointment. I feel a bit ignored by the specialist. It took so long for tests & treatments its been over two years since the process and I feel like I'm still at the same stage I was since I started. 7 long years this December. Slowly giving up hope if I'm honest.

Good luck to you on your process, I hope you get your special news soon! Fingers are crossed for you! :) 🌈🌈 xxxxx

PenguinBlue profile image
PenguinBlue in reply to LaceyS90

Hi Lacey, well I was supposed to start ivf a few weeks back but due to covid it has been cancelled now until this situation is over so I’ve been a bit down about it (and not really taking care of myself..) but I know it will get better so I just need to be more positive!

It sounds like you’ve had a a very frustrating time over the last few years and I’m so sorry you’ve had to go through all of that :( that is crazy you had an op where they found nothing - I am in shock! but don’t give up hope - we are so close to starting the process to get us what we want. I know how hard it can be but I really hope that soon you’ll get to share your happy news with everyone here! I really wish you all the best and keep me posted with how you get on and when you start!! Xx

LaceyS90 profile image
LaceyS90 in reply to PenguinBlue

Hi PenguinBlue

I'm sorry to hear your IVF start was put on hold. Its horrible hearing the news when you are finally given the green light only then to have it ripped from you. I've been informed that my waiting time will now be longer & that they'll accept my referral but won't process it until this has all blown over.

Thankyou for your words of wisdom & positivity. We will both get through this journey! My mum said something the other day that made me rethink. She said at least you are different. I thought that's not helping, thanks mum and she said "no, you are different, stronger and will always have a unique story to tell your future child how much you fought for them to be here'. I thought that was a sweet positive way of thinking about it.

My fingers are still crossed for you. I hope you get the green light again now that clinics are starting to open up. Keep me posted! Xx 🌈

StaffyMummy87 profile image

Hi LaceyS90

My husband and I are male factor infertility with CBAVD (absence of the tube the sperm swim down) this is due to him being genetic carrier for cystic fibrosis.

Our journey so far has been as follows

-husband submitted sperm sample to hospital after making this request to GP and results came back zero count: devastating was not even the word

- several weeks later we attended urology specialist who did physical exam and blood tests for carrier status and hormone levels. They weighed me and told me my BMI was too high and IVF would be required but I had to meet targets first.

- several weeks later back to the urology clinic for hubby’s results showing normal hormone levels indicating good sperm production they just physically can’t get out. Urologist advises us we will be referred to GRI assisted conception

- around 5 months later we receive an appt for GRI, when we attended this they reviewed and summarised our results to date. Took AMH bloods from me and did another physical exam on my husband. Basically told the same info again, keep loosing weight and we will see you again in a few weeks, also I didn’t get weighed at that appointment, this was in July 2019

- Nov 2019 we attend, my AMH levels are perfectly normal, got weighed told me my BMI was 33 needs to be 30 or less, we will reappoint you in the new year.

- January 2020 husband receives letter for pre-op checks booked for end of Feb. He needs to have sperm aspirated from source this actual procedure is booked for 25th March.

- the following week I receive a letter for my next appt which is 17th March for ultrasound to check everything is normal. My BMI is 31 so god knows what they are gonna say to me at that appointment!! That’s even if they weigh me! Will wait and see

From the very first urology appt which was summer 2018 to date that’s our journey and still no confirmed dates for actual IVF treatment. This has mostly been to give me time to loose all the weight. My BMI has went from 43 to 31 so it’s not as bad I would think for people who meet the weight criteria

Both partners need to be non smoking

Both partners to have BMI of 30 or less

Are the two crucial ones for us but have a look online and you will see the criteria for the area that you live in


LaceyS90 profile image
LaceyS90 in reply to StaffyMummy87

Hey StaffyMummy87

Thank you so much for replying!

Firstly, congrats on the weight loss! Its such a hard thing to do, people always say its easy but its not as easy as some think when food tastes incredible!

Sounds like you've had a bit of long experience! I went through something similar with my weight- although my BMI was 32 when I saw the fertility specialist so was a bit annoyed at how picky they could be especially when I started ttc for 2-3 years at a healthy BMI And put weight on over the past years due to stress of all this.

I have been told IVF is now my only option after all tests, treatments, a surgery for a fibroid that wasn't there during surgery removal! and 6 months of Chlomid (highest dose yet didn't work) I am not ovulating, have a bicornate & retroverted uterus.

Almost 7 years of TTC & was referred to infertility specialist at the beginning of 2018.

I really hope you get the news you are hoping for soon! My fingers are crossed for you! 🌈🌈


Hartley1 profile image

Hey i understand its not easy. We got married 2009 and started trying 2012. 2015 we finally sought help it took long because in that time we moved house from north to south London. We were trying naturally with OPK tests...didn't work never got a positive.

Our first apt with the NHS Croydon was in May 2015. The apt was just an overview to what would happen...lots of consents to sign. we started tests like sperm analysis and cycle monitoring privately to get it done quicker... From sperm analysis it showed low motility and volume. We were devastated hubby more so but he did nothing to change.

I had HSG on NHS which checks for blocked tubes...this is uncomfortable and lil painful. This result showed tubes all fine.

I had to start injections and pessaries good news they train you at another apt.

We had busy work schedules...but family esp his side all thought was my issue as I had hyperthyroid pcos and a newly diagnosed kidney issue...but actually wasn't my issue based on cycle monitoring...however my periods weren't on time obv with pcos. In my mind I thought could be be too even though we were told male factor infertility...but what we told everyone was both have issues...Ppl ask!!! His mum used to always dig at me...so one day I blurted the truth out!! She lives with us...can't get away from her...honestly another reason I believe we had issues from my part was me being stressed living with her...she's a dominating bully at times and thinks she's helping...and our sex life was zero at times with her sleeping next door with her door wide open!

We had eggs collected Aug 2016: 14 eggs 12 fertilized and 5 blastocysts. We were elated. Aug 2016 fresh ICSI. Frozen March 2017, Frozen Aug 2017.

Unfortunately it didn't work we were heartbroken.

Was really difficult to get time off with work and we had to choose a new but now private clinic. We had lots of time off...almostv2 years...felt lost...!

We chose the Lister in 2019 ...at first apt the consultant was brill recommended loads of tests I did all of them...and he also said once eggs out let's see what your body responds to...prednisolone or intralipids...my body responded 60% better with intralipids.

Hubby was referred to Jonathan Ramsay a urologist. Loads of tests were done and was told to lose weight.

Hubby was amazing he did it via Lipotrim (weight loss programme I did in my pharmacy) and ate healthier. Took supplements I recommended ..male pregnacare and 200mg ubiquinol.

I also after family politics gave up work Nov 2019. Became healthier read it starts with the egg by Rebecca Fett...took my supplements, started acupuncture, joined gym incl PT for a month, ate better, had worst skin so had weekly elemis facials...basically treated myself much nicer..we were trying naturally with clear blue ovulation sticks and temp charting recommended by Acupuncturist...from Dec to end of Jan...closest I got as my temp held high for over a week.

Then when I thought we were in a better place we decided to try IMSI ...New drugs shorter protocol...egg collection (more painful this time): 9 eggs 6 fertilised 3 blastocysts.

Fresh transfer decided to transfer 1 after consultant said 1 60% 2 65%. I rmbd when I transferred 2 I always bled out before OTD.

Got my first BFP ever!

Only 11 weeks atm...fingers crossed.

Sorry written an essay....

Good luck if you need any questions answered and i have the answers will be happy to help. Xxx

LaceyS90 profile image
LaceyS90 in reply to Hartley1

Hello Hartley1

I was biting my nails through reading your story, the journey you have been through! It gives me hope hearing that you have finally had your BFP! Congratulations!

I know how you feel. I temporarily lived with my Mother I.L. whilst we were purchasing our home. It was the worse experience of my life, she was always getting involved in our relationship and at times it was like she was our child. We were only there 6 months but it felt like an eternity! Thankfully in our own nest now so the stress of living with such a miserable little demon is behind us.

My husband has to loose a little more weight so thankyou for mentioning lipotrim.

Thankyou for taking the time to comment, its boosted me up. Congrats again & good luck with the future 🌈😁 xx

Hartley1 profile image
Hartley1 in reply to LaceyS90

Awww no worries...yes they can be demons...this wk is my wk 14 we had a bbq...she just left me to do all the cleaning and before she left she was like my poor son he must be so tired...I was like wtf! Lol xx yes lipotrim is great...as long as you stick to it. Good luck...xxx

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