I have been ringing round and round and can’t find anyone who will test me for NK cells. I live in the North West, near Manchester, and I’ve had 1 miscarriage. I know I will have to pay for it and that’s fine. Can anyone help me?
NK natural killer cells test - Fertility Network UK
NK natural killer cells test

Iv pmd you 💝😘
I don’t know the name of the clinic but I’m sure the only place that does it in the UK is based in Coventry if that helps?
Sr Quenby in Coventry
Hi tdl Pathology in London will do it as will lots of private bloods. It is expensive. My clinic also tested for thrombophillia as that can be a cause of miscarriage too. I had loads of bloods taken. Tdl will post out kits and your gp nurse can take bloods they will charge a private fee xxx
Professor Quenby is the recommended one.
I had my nk cells tested at a private clinic In Southampton; I had the nk 69 blood test and it cost ( including administration fees) £300. Mine were raised @ 12% and although my fertility specialist preferred the biopsy he has prescribed prednisone for early pregnancy. Do check with your specialist which test they prefer as it is very expensive!
Sorry about your loss I had one last year it’s heartbreaking especially when the reason isn’t known.
Good luck. Definitely good to rule out xoxo
This is the clinic my NHS clinic in Chester refer people to if they're after an NK Cell test lady. Not sure about prices but they may be able to help xx