Prednisolone For NK cells: Hey. … this... - Fertility Network UK

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Prednisolone For NK cells

Sarascottxox profile image
22 Replies

Hey. … this is a bit controversial just to pre-warn…

I had my first round of IVF in Feb and had a fresh embryo transfer that’s resulted in early miscarriage at 5.5 weeks. Fortunately, we have 3 frozen embryos so I’m about to start my first frozen transfer. At our consultant appointment, he basically said it was probably a faulty embryo and they don’t need to do any further tests to see why I miscarried, they’ll just keep doing transfers in the hope one sticks and then, if none do, then they’ll investigate. This feels so harsh to waste all these embryos and have to start over if there is a reason why they won’t work. Not to mention time, money and stress.

I’ve read a lot of people talk about NK cells but our consultant just doesn’t believe in them and the clinic were at doesn’t test. Says there’s not enough evidence. I know that some woman are prescribed Prednisolone. I actually have quite a lot of this drug as I’m asthmatic and was prescribed it a while ago for asthma but ended up not needing it. I wondered how much is normally taken and for how long? Should I take it? I know going against doctors advice is silly, but I just feel like I’m being advised to burn through all our embryos in a very ‘suck it and see’ fashion…

Thoughts? Thanks!

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Sarascottxox profile image
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22 Replies
Donnr profile image

I was taking 20mg of prednisolone from the day of transfer up untill 12 weeks when I tapered off rather than just stopping. It varies with each clinic and individual but they normally prescribe from 5-20mg daily. My clinic do not test for high NK cells but prescribe it after multiple failed transfers. However I had previous failed transfers when taking prednisolone although at first I was only prescribed 10mg, so my last successful fet it was upped to 20mg. But who’s to say it wasn’t all just down to embryo quality 🤷‍♀️ x

Sarascottxox profile image
Sarascottxox in reply to Donnr

Thanks! Sorry to hear about your failed transfers but congrats on your success in the end. I don’t think I have enough to take for that long and at that dose. Perhaps I do just need to suck it and see. Like you said, could all be down to embryo quality. We have our nurse consultation today to start treatment so might raise it and see if they do prescribe even though they don’t test x

Hoop123 profile image

Hi Sara, so sorry about your loss. I think since this is your second transfer I would probably hold off for now and see how it goes. As hard as that is. Although I don't subscribe to the model of using all 3 of your frozen embryos without trying new things! That would frustrate me a lot - but hopefully the next one is the one 🤞

In saying that, I was prescribed 20mg of prednisolone for transfer #5 and it's the one that's stuck so far (we did a LOT of things for that one though and maybe they were just our lucky embies). Tapering that down from 10 weeks and so I should be off it completely by 12 weeks.

Hope that helps! Good luck for your nurse consult xx

Sarascottxox profile image
Sarascottxox in reply to Hoop123

Congratulations on your success! Do you mind if I ask what else you did different this time? I've literally just come from my scan and the nurse said everything is completely normal and healthy and for fact I had 4 eggs reach 5 day blasts and did achieve implantation is really positive. I just can't bare the go through another loss again. Almost broke me!

Hoop123 profile image
Hoop123 in reply to Sarascottxox

Sorry Sara! I missed this. Oohh a lot of the things we did different relate to frozen transfer protocols, which ended up being quite a prolonged bit of trial and error for me. If you end up with lining troubles (fingers crossed you do not) I have a few things you can try!

In a more general sense, I saw a fertility nutritionist before this latest round and I feel that really helped me prep and gave me a sense of control that I was lacking. She ran a vaginal microbiome test, too, which can be useful for implantation failures or early miscarriages (separately, a well-known urologist we saw was super interested in microbiome work so there must be something to it). Happy to give her details if you PM me. I also made sure I exercised in the lead up to my transfer (not HIIT but yoga and a couple of short, light runs) and had already been going to acupuncture.

I hope you're feeling a bit better generally! x

DG2022 profile image

Sorry for your miscarriage. My clinic waited for 3 miscarriages before investigating. Ridiculous really considering I was willing to pay privately. They put it down to “bad luck” now they saying it’s likely it’s not just bad luck this time. *sigh* we are awaiting Karotyping blood test resultsBefore deciding whether to test the embryos or go for a double transfer. I’ve not been tested for NK cells as my clinic don’t test for it so I would have to go somewhere else for that which I am considering. Probably best not to take something you don’t need. Best of luck xx

Sarascottxox profile image
Sarascottxox in reply to DG2022

So sorry to hear what you've been through. It's so frustrating isn't it!! I don't want to take something that's harmful, I just kept seeing the name of the drug and know that I have loads lying about... made me think! I've never heard of Karotyping blood testing... what does that mean? Xx

DG2022 profile image
DG2022 in reply to Sarascottxox

Yeah it’s a popular drug isn’t it - my friends on it for asthma. If I knew it would help I would take it. It’s to look at our chromosomes individually to see if myself or my partner has any issues as to why the pregnancies haven’t developed. If they don’t come back normal then we will need to get them tested/go down genetic counselling route. 😔 xx

Littlepeax profile image

I took 10mg 5 days before transfer. I'm paying privately with an NHS hospital so they didn't know much about NK cells in the IVF department, they tested me but couldn't explain results lol 🙈. I got a private prescription elsewhere as had a feeling I had high NK cells. I recently found out I was right. After a midwife passed my NK blood results to a professor who happenes to work at the same hospital as he specialises in NK cells and repeat miscarriages. They are not hugely elevated but high. That transfer worked for me. I've now reduced my steroids to 5mg and will continue until 12 weeks now as advised. Best of luck to you ❤️💫

Sarascottxox profile image
Sarascottxox in reply to Littlepeax

That's amazing you had success! I'm same as you and just have a feeling. My husband has low morphology but everything is coming back fine for me. In 2.5 years with never a BFP and then thr chemical after our first transfer just makes me think there's something else at play?? I don't have enough to take for 12 weeks but I will ask my nurse later at my consultation xx

Littlepeax profile image

P.s I completely agree with you. Some clinics make you go through heartache and pain before digging deeper and investigating. I really think this should be done initially. It would save so much stress, heartache and money for the patient. Especially when none of us are guaranteed more embryos further down the line. ❤️

Seren0119 profile image

I was on 25mg daily until 16 weeks (weaned off) but I would tell your doctor you intend to take it. Worker for us Xx

Sarascottxox profile image
Sarascottxox in reply to Seren0119

Were you put on it because of failed transfers or on your first one? (Sorry to ask) xx

Seren0119 profile image
Seren0119 in reply to Sarascottxox

Due to failed transfers but also mainly miscarriage of PGS normal embryos xx

Sarascottxox profile image
Sarascottxox in reply to Seren0119

I'm so sorry. That must have been so stressful and heartbreaking. Guess I am jumping the gun a little. We've had one miscarriage off one go. We're on our only funded round and just don't want to waste these embryos when there's more we could be doing. It's more a time thing than a money thing. If we need to pay privately its fine I just don't want to go through all the constant waiting as took us 2 year to get to this point from being referred xx

Roobs33 profile image


I’m so sorry for your loss. I recently had a missed miscarriage at 7 weeks. I had one fresh transfer that failed and then the miscarriage happened after a FET. I am going to do another whole round starting in June as no embryos left to transfer. I have been advised to have the EMMA & ALICE test and my husband to have the DNA fragmentation sperm test. I have also been told to take canesflor pessaries beforehand everyday for a month. It is pricey but I’ve only got one more round paid for so I feel like I need to do everything they offer in case it happens again. Maybe you could try and speak to the Dr again before going ahead with a FET. So many clinics do things differently. I hope they are able to help you and perhaps give you the test or medication you need. Wishing you the loads of luck xxx

Hopingforbaby_ profile image

It sounds like you’ve gotten a whole lot of great advice already. Just to share my experience with you, I just had my first FET this morning. I’ve never had any previous pregnancies. I believe the only reason I’m on Prednisolone (16mg OD) is because I have psoriasis (considered an auto immune disorder) and this medication will help support minimizing inflammation…. Any chance you could find another reason your doctor could ‘believe in’ to start you on the meds? I mean they shouldn’t hurt at all but obviously you’d feel better if you were monitored by your doctor while taking anything. I started mine cycle day 12, and will continue on them until 12 weeks pregnant.

Sarascottxox profile image
Sarascottxox in reply to Hopingforbaby_

That's good advice too, thanks. I get given them periodically for asthma (but rather take them). I think I could get more but that would be from my GP. I don't think the fertility clinic would want me to be on them as they don't see the value x

hoping2021 profile image

Firstly have you been tested for high NK. So definitely not worth taking unless you’ve tested and been shown to have high level. Prednisolone is not without risk either. I honestly would trust your consultant for now. From what you say, I think Your odds are still very good for success without pred.

Sarascottxox profile image
Sarascottxox in reply to hoping2021

Thanks for the advice. My clinic doesn't test for it so no I haven't been tested. Guess I just find it frustrating they want me to just keep trying all the embryo from this cycle before doing any testing. I know what you're saying is right though and it isn't wise to self-medicate x

hoping2021 profile image
hoping2021 in reply to Sarascottxox

I totally understand what you are saying. And it’s so sad that you experienced a miscarriage. However, please try to remember that a portion of embryos are always destined not to work out (sorry could think of a better choice of words, as I haven’t had my morning coffee yet) as they are chromosomally “abnormal”. You have 3 more left in freezer so there is a high chance of one of more of those being your baby!! I honestly feel you are in a good position at the moment. Have faith in your doctors.

Sarascottxox profile image
Sarascottxox in reply to hoping2021

Thanks for your kind words!!! I find this process so hard as I'm a bit of a control freak and very impatient! Its so hard having zero control and the constant waiting. Def need to learn to chill the f$%k out 😂😂 xx

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