I’ve had lots of trouble with embryo transfer along the way, including one transfer cancelled because they couldn’t access my uterus via the cervix. I’ve had an MRI and hysteroscopy and they indicate my uterus is migrated to the extreme right of my pelvic cavity and is tilted, which makes the cervix’s opening close off. So, having had quite a few cycles and a couple where they have had to go via the wall of my uterus to transfer the embryo rather than via the cervix, they now want me to have another hysteroscopy. The logic is that the drugs they give you before the procedure soften the cervix and the manipulation during the investigation will hopefully make it all easier come next transfer. Has anyone else has any experience of this? Also, I’m wondering how soon after the hysteroscopy the transfer has to happen to take advantage of whatever changes there might have been to the cervix. I can’t get a straight answer from the hospital. Any ideas?
Anyone had experience of having a hys... - Fertility Network UK
Anyone had experience of having a hysteroscopy to improve transfer?

Hi missyr I had a difficult transfer last time. Dr could t pass the catheter into my cervix. Took ages and the senior consultant had to step in. I had a hysteroscopy and cervical dilation to try and help. I had a dummy transfer the other week in preparation for round two. I was all prepared for it to be a nightmare again but they had no problem. Fingers crossed that I'll have the same experience with the real deal (if we get to it). The drs said that the hysteroscopy probably did the trick so it might be worth you giving it another go x
Thanks ash2016, really helpful and good to know there are other people in the same situation! When do you start round 2 and how long after you cervical dilation and hysteroscopy is it? Wishing you lots of luck for it and hoping all goes smoothly with the transfer.
I’ve had difficulties with transfer. Are they willing to sedate you? This, alongside a previous cervical dilation (which was done under general alongside a hysteroscopy and laparoscopy) made transfers better for me. Has anyone suggested dilation to you? My cervix is located completely retroverted and was pinhole before the dilation op.
Ps dilation lasts at least six months but mine has lasted 18 months so far.
Thanks Lizzie. I’ve had four transfers and all have been under sedation- there’s no way I’d be able to tolerate it without. They haven’t talked about cervical dilation but I’ll ask. Maybe this is what they meant by manipulation but didn’t explicitly say. And really useful to know how long it lasts for as well. Thanks for responding and hope all is ok with you