Anyone had one of these, been told it would be under general anaesthetic - has this benefited IVF for successful pregnancies
Endometrial scratch: Anyone had one of... - Fertility Network UK
Endometrial scratch

I have had a few of these but never under general anaesthetic. I had to take some pain killers within the hour of leading up to the procedure.
The theory behind this procedure is to almost mimic a miscarriage as women can be more fertile/receptive after miscarriage. It also causes an inflammation response by the removal of endometrial material which is also supposed to be beneficial.
The procedure is performed in the cycle before you start meds.
Hi sienna2, I had an endo scratch 2 weeks ago today.
I was fully awake, I wasn’t offered anaesthetic, however it wasn’t required. It was quite intense cramping when she was actually doing the procedure but only for around 30 seconds. She also spent some time doing a mock embryo transfer (totally painless) and it’s all done with an ultrasound too so you need to half a full(ish) bladder.
Overall, slightly uncomfortably but definitely bearable xx
I was advised to take ibuprofen and paracetamol in the hours leading up to the scratch xx
The doctor told me that studies have shown that the body works hard to resolve the scratches and almost ‘activates’ the uterus to be more welcoming and accepting to the embryo placed on it xx
Hiya, I had one on my 3rd cycle and am pleased to say I got a positive. Not too sure what exactly worked right this time! But I asked to have gas and air and I didn't feel pain x
I had it before my first cycle. I can’t tell you whether or not it’s worked as I’m currently in the 2WW but it was absolutely fine pain wise. I was expecting it to be a lot worse than it actually was so if there is a chance it helps inplantation I say go for it! xx
I had one on my last cycle, took 2 paracetamol half an hour before, and it was painless for me, just slightly uncomfortable. Very quick. Had no eggs fertilise unfortunately so can't comment on success, but there seems to be some good stats suggesting it helps implantation. Good luck! x
No anaesthetic here either, just paracetamol an hour before. No ultrasound, just pretty similar to a smear but intense period cramps for about 30 seconds then it was all over & no pain or discomfort after that. Had a really good period afterwards so hoping it’s made a difference!! Hope all goes well 😊 xxx
Thanks all did you all feel ok to go to work etc next day
Wow, it’s not normally done under general... I’ve had three scratches and two bfps. I think it’s definitely worth it xx
Should I be timing it when a cycle is due to start, this is a scratch to take a biopsy before commence due to endometrium having a small tissue/clot that they want clear before I start xx
A scratch is generally performed the month before your transfer xx
Hi Sienna, I think it definitely helps and I did have a bfp following the procedure. I don’t know if my consultant does it differently but she went in 3 times and I was in horrendous pain each time (only last a few secs) and after the procedure I didn’t feel any pain at all but if knew I would have preferred some kind of strong medication. I also had an ERA test further down the line ( after 3 consecutive chemical pregnancies) to determine lining receptivity and thus then best day to perform the embryo transfer. Following this test i’m Now pregnant and waiting to have my scan after 6 pregnancy losses (obviously anxious but thankful and hopeful 🙏🏼) xxx
Fab news and how long before starting cycle did you have it?
Thanks for all your help, god must be looking down on me for once as I was due to have scratch tomorrow but today I got a positive test naturally so nervous after 2 miscarriages but feeling blessed xx