Has anyone had an endometrial scratch? I had one last Thursday the 3rd of October and the hospital didn't say anything about afterwards and to b honest I forgot to ask. I was wondering how long people waited after to have sex, or if I can use tampons when my period comes, or is there a risk of infection?
Endometrial scratch : Has anyone had an... - Fertility Network UK
Endometrial scratch

I had an endometrial biopsy on the 30th September which is like a scratch only deeper. They said no tampons or sex this cycle in case of infection...a scratch is usually performed to help with implantation right? Not sure when they usually perform it before transferring though?
Thank u for ur reply. Yes it is, it's done around 3-4 weeks before transfer. I thought it was really early to do it, because my transfer isn't until the week of 28th of October, but apparently it's normal.
I've had it recently. Day 21 of my cycle. They said sex is fine but protected. They even joked how long they should tell my oh before we can have sex 😂. Don't think sex is an issue tbh. They didn't mention tampons. I fortunately have been fine and no infection. Had my baseline scan and today is day 4 of stims. X
Awh thanks that's good. I finished micrognon on Thursday, supposed to start HRT tomorrow so long as a period has started, but nothing so far, although I've had a bit of brownish discharge since last Sunday, but put that down to the endometrial scratch tbh. Fingers crossed everything goes well for u xx
I haven't had any endometrial scratch personally but as far as I know, it's an assisted technique to help you implant. The scratch is meant to insert the embryo into the uterus and ensure it sticks when there are implantation failures. However, I guess besides the diagnostic confirmation pregnancy loss and possibly more than once is also a strong indication of implantation defects. Sex shouldn't pose any threat to the pregnancy at all even if you happen to conceive. So you can continue like normally I guess... ring-up your RE or Gynae for reconfirmation just for your own satisfaction. How are the tampons related to an infection at all? If you have AF then there's possibly no conception and no threat on tampon use.
These days the hospital do not provide additional information unless asked for. Thanks to the blogs and forums we can still acquire guidance, experience and information about all that's been left or forgotten to ask to your clinical help.
Thanks for the reply. In the clinic I'm under the scratch is done 3-4 weeks before they put the embryo in. So I had the scratch on the 3rd october and finished micrognon on 10th so was waiting for a withdrawal bleed from finishing that (which has now started) I have started HRT today, 2 tablets 3 times a day, then I have the transfer the week commencing 28th of October, so long as my lining is thick enough. So I know I'm definitely not pregnant now, just wondering if tampons could cause an infection after the scratch really x