Hi again lovely ladies,
So here I am the night before my baseline scan for my first FET! I'm so excited to get started again...I feel so lucky to have some little frosties waiting for me. And it's such a strange feeling going into it with a little bit more understanding of what actually happens...I feel much calmer knowing what to expect. Does anyone have any specific tips for FET that might differ from a fresh cycle, or just the same with diet and keeping stress to a minimum (much easier to do that with FET!)
Also, I'm sure I'm not alone on this, but who works out every possible date that could be a potential baby birthday?! I do the whole "so, if the lining is ready on this date...transfer would be...2ww is blah...and then potential due date is..." haha!
Hope everyone is coping ok, and keeping those feet and uterus warm especially in this freezing weather! xx