So I made the switch to decaf tea when we first started ivf and I've never gone back. Since transfer I've had max 2 cups a day but sometimes I go days without having one. Anyway someone on another fertility page has worried me by saying that decaf tea is worse than normal tea due to the chemicals and that I shouldn't be drinking it, yet the NHS website advises pregnant women to switch to decaf tea. So obviously now I don't know what to do. Haven't had one since she said that to me and have been drinking peppermint tea instead but I do really fancy a nice milky tea. I feel like the NHS website is what I should believe but wondered if anyone here had heard anything bad about decaf tea?
Decaf tea: So I made the switch to... - Fertility Network UK
Decaf tea

My husband insists I don’t drink any decaf for that reason. Has always said that even before we were trying or doing ivf.
Now I limit to two normal teas a day during ivf but would probably cut it out if pregnant. I didn’t cut it out for transfer though. Maybe make a weak cup? Like just wave the teabag in the water.
I’d personally listen to the nhs website. Nhs website also says you can have two cups of normal tea a day when pregnant. I used to love my coffe and gone right off it. Only hot drink I can stomach is tea! I’m having one decaf or normal tea a day 👍🏻 X
I used to be a avid coffee drinker I switched to hot chocolate. Maybe try that. I know it’s not tea but it’s warm!
I think it's probably OK to drink decaf tea but I have to be honest that I have cut out all potentially harmful drinks. I haven't really looked but surely somewhere upmarket does non chemical processed teas? Perhaps whittards / teapigs / pukka? Worth a look on their websites. Probably be more expensive but if you're only having a couple a day might be OK. I've been so parched lately I'm just drinking water 😟
Hi, I drink decaf tea for few months as my dr said no caffeine I should take and he told me decaf black tea is absolutely fine, he’s fertility specialist. I’m not a big fan of black tea, never been,so I have it 3 times per week.There is no chemical on decaf tea you can search it by yourself don’t listen to just one person, how do you know she is right?! If we think about chemical there are lots of other ways during the day that we might get it. So don’t panic and enjoy your tea. X
I drank normal tea throughout the ttw and cut out coffee, can't stomach tea now so don't even want it but I have a cheeky coffee from my fave coffee shop once a week which the midwife says is fine so I say go nuts and have a proper brew!! 👍 xx
I had de caff tea through ivf and whole of pregnancy and everything is fine xx
The chemicals used are organic (naturally occurring) and there is little proven evidence of any ill effect. Maybe switch to a brand which uses the water or carbon dioxide decaffination process if you are worried though (I have, just in case). Have a look at their websites, but I think Clipper & Twinings are good choices x
Thanks all I've currently got Yorkshire decaf but think I'll go pick up some clipper ones
i switched to de caff during IVF and now while preggers i have about 5 cups a day!
I have been drinking Yorkshire decaf tea for years as I wanted to reduce my caffeine intake generally and my baby seems fine at 14 weeks xxx I do also have an organic decaf loose leaf earl grey that my mum got me from her local health food shop that is nice every now and then.
Decaf tea is absolutely fine, that "someone" doesn't know what they're talking about and as Anna00 said there's way more chemicals you encounter on a daily basis than the miniscule amounts of solvents that will be left after the caffeine is extracted.
However... even caffeine isn't that bad. I honestly don't know why the NHS says to avoid it completely.
Because there’s some evidence excess caffeine can contribute to early miscarriage I believe... though I’m now wondering if I actually read that on the nhs research site or not.
Hey I started drinking decaf the month before we started treatment, I asked my ivf nurse at the clinic if it was ok to drink this and she said it’s fine to drink throughout treatment and pregnancy! I’m literally the worse worrier about everything and ask a millions questions so I’m sure it’s ok! I drink 3-4 a day x x
After attending a health and nutrition evening run by our fertility clinic we have been advised to either use water decaffeinated tea or coffee or have 1 or two full caffeinated products rather than chemically decaffeinated products. I've been out to by some today. A bit more pricey but a small change I can make.

Yes I've bought clipper decaf just to be on the safe side x
I drink clipper decaf, which states it is decaffeinated with oxygen rather than chemicals. It’s nice too.
I also switched to clipper organic decaf tea, annoyingly it's quite expensive but it gave me peace of mind during the ivf process. However, since getting my positive, I've completely gone off tea so pretty much just drink water now. Best of luck
Yes, as people have suggested, Clipper is a good choice. TBH in my first pregnancy (which was natural) I drank decaf and didn’t really think about the decaffeination method. My daughter is absolutely fine. But since we have been doing IVF I have been mega careful and mainly drunk rooibosh and clipper decaf xxx