...Which is FET of our only suitable embryo. We had our follow up appointment today, and having previously been told several times that they can’t distinguish between an embryo with a balanced chromosome translocation and no translocation, we were told today that our suitable embryo has a balanced chromosome translocation just like my hubbie. Of our other three frozen blastocysts, one other had a balanced translocation but was aneuploid (not normal in other ways) and two had the unbalanced form of the translocation which makes them not viable. We are not allowed to put any of those three back so I assume they’ve just been destroyed. ☹️
We saw the medical director of the clinic and she was brilliant, she really understood the time pressures and said that she wanted us to start our FET pretty much immediately, and then if it fails she will let us do another egg collection straight away so we can get it done before my birthday in July, when our funding ends. 🙂 She said it really won’t make a difference to outcomes to have it all done so quickly, and that gaps between cycles are more about having time for periods to settle down and clinics to fit appointments and paperwork in. However she also said we have been incredibly lucky to have an embryo suitable for transfer on our first PGD round as some couples have all three NHS rounds and still don’t get anything to transfer. So, fingers crossed that our luck continues!
Any tips on FET are welcomed as I’ve never done it before- I’m starting progynova 3x per day on day two of my period (obviously it’s late now I want it to be here... and need it to be here so we are done and dusted before our holiday leaving on 2nd April!). Should I expect side effects from the progynova?
Then a scan to check lining and check no natural follicles growing, then set a date for transfer on or before day 21 of my cycle, and start utrogestan pessaries five days beforehand. Somehow need to fit in a form signing session with hubbie present (difficult given clinic is over an hour away from us and he is working two hours away in the other direction most of the week, hopefully we can work something out with Skype) in amongst this as well! ET will be done under sedation as I’m awkward like that, and I’ve been assured that it will not be the dr that I had a bad experience with after egg collection!
So, it’s all go go go again. Wish us luck!!