I really feel sorry for myself at the moment 😔. I had heavy bleeding for few days after my BFP and it stopped on Saturday. On Sunday noon I felt a very strong period cramp and back pain,continued till night and ended up with a little discharges so I thought it’s normal after all things happened to my body, but since then I’m still in pain and its 4 days now. I’ve been to GP yesterday and she sent me for urine test,today they called me and told me the found blood on my urine and sent it to lab for check! I didn’t see any blood! they said it might be an infection! I never ever had any infection in my life I mean female infection. Called my clinic as I was panic they said I should wait for the result and see my dr in Gp, they said if it’s an infection they gonna treat you with antibiotics and if not we should see what is it as you shouldn't have pain now. I’m so nervous. Has anyone had this problem before? I also feel bloated. What else can it be? Can I get an infection trough EC and ET? xx
Period cramps,infection 😢: I really... - Fertility Network UK
Period cramps,infection 😢

Hi Anna00, sorry I don’t have any advice, but I hope you feel better soon xx
Oh lovely you’ve had a really difficult time. I’m so sorry.
I’m sorry you don’t feel supported by your clinic - that is not nice. I am shocked that your clinic failed to detect this infection you have picked up. That’s awful. 😡
But I’m glad your GP is taking this seriously- you’re in safe hands. Try not to worry. The GP can get in touch with the clinic at anytime and probably will do over this. 😊my fertility doctor and GP have communicated many times- I’m a complicated case 😂
I think because your embryo sadly didn’t implant your body is expelling contents by cramping- the hormone medication would’ve made your uterus lining much thicker. I experienced that after my early loss but no infection.
I would ask your GP for stronger painkillers to ease the pain you’re in. Pain is not helpful when your body is trying to heal. And why should you have to put up with pain!
I hope the GP treats the infection and you start feeling better soon.
Just rest up and take it easy 😘 xoxo

Thanks jess, the clinic said I should go to Gp and if it wasn’t an infection then they gonna check to see what is it.
I didn’t take any painkillers at all as I wanted to see how strong is the pain,I’m crazy🙈
I never had infection so I don’t know if you get infection how is the pain,mine is like period pain but sometimes a bit different. Hope it’s not something serious as I can’t cope really. 😘Xoxo
Oh that’s good the clinic will do something. So they are supportive 😊
I’m sure it’s nothing serious- maybe a urine infection easy sorted with antibiotics 😊
Definitely don’t suffer with pain- try over the counter pain killers. If they don’t work contact your GP for stronger painkillers. I’m currently having to take prescription painkillers daily till my surgery- long story.
I would rest up and drink plenty of fluids.
Really hope you feel better soon xoxo

Hope it’s just a urine infection and nothing else. I took paracetamol it’s more than enough for me,can’t take strong painkiller they make me feel sick. Oh I didn’t know you have surgery,hope it goes well for you😘
Started drinking water hope it ease the pain. Thanks lovely xoxoxo
Thank you 😊 my surgery is 16th March. I think my endometriosis has come back (all my symptoms have returned)- I’m having another laparoscopy & a hysteroscopy this time.
Glad the pain is being controlled by over the counter pain killers. I hate being reliant on prescription painkillers but over the counter pain killers don’t touch my pain😳 best avoided if you can.
Let me know how you get on xoxo

Hope everything goes well for you🤞🏻
My body is very sensitive so can’t take anything strong,I even can’t have stronge coffee! Too sensitive,which I can’t say it’s a good thing.
I will thanks lovely 😘xoxo
Hi Anna. Sorry to hear you’re in pain. The blood in your urine is likely from either a urine dipstick test or under the microscope so not visible and that’s why you can’t see it . It can be caused by a urine infection which are very common in females and can be treated with antibiotics or sometimes some people clear it themselves by drinking lots of water or cystitis sachets. If you are worried about your discharge go to a sexual health clinic or your GP and they can take some internal swabs. If you have any fever and pain kn your kidneys, see a doctor again.
There is a chance that the urine came back with signs of non-visible blood because there would be some remnants from the bleeding 4days ago. I hope you get better soon.

Thanks Zoe, I never had infection that’s why I’m nervous,thought maybe I got it trough EC or ET but the nurse said no! At the moment I hope it’s just a water infection noting more serious. Since last night I started drinking lots of water. Have you ever had water infection? Is the pain like period cramp? xx
I haven’t had a water infection but looked after lots of people who have. Symptoms can vary from needing to pee all the time to pain around your pubic bone. There isn’t much that can be wrong at this stage- you bled so it is unlikely that you have any clots inside you; you had antibiotics after egg collection and it’s a low risk procedure. It’s horrible being in pain and if you feel fobbed off, it’s even worse. Be kind to yourself and do some nice things for yourself. Big hugs. I’ve had a couple of period like pains but pretty low grade ( a week post BFN now and I bled before) - I’m hoping it means that my ovaries are waking up again x

It’s not an infection so I’m wondering what’s going on and what’s this pain for xx
Hi Anna, I am not an expert at all, but when I did my undergrad maaaany years ago we were doing this urine tests our own. Small amounts of blood in urine (not visible by eye) can happen with urinary infections (that are not uncommon to women and that can be treated with antibiotics). But we were getting blood detected in women with their period, simply as a contaminant when taking the urine sample (these tests are very sensitive). Wait for the results (probably bacterial cultures) It might be that there is no infection and there, It should be alright with antibiotics.
Hope you everything goes fine and I am really sorry that this cycle hasn't worked

Thanks lovely. I never had infection so don’t know why and how I got it if it’s an infection. Hope it’s not something serious I asked for scan but they said no need for that. Didn’t even ask me to do a blood test. xxx
Hi Anna, sorry you are feeling so awful. I would have thought the cramping is the result of the failed cycle so basically a heavy period (sorry I know it means so much more than that 😔) and the infection if it’s a urine infection will clear up pretty quickly with antibiotics. With a UTI they don’t need to do a blood test it will just show in the urine. They’re really nothing to worry about, and anyone can get them, probably you’re feeling run down.
Drink lots of water and rest up lovely xxx
The result just came back, it’s clean and I don’t have an infection. Now I’m more worry😰 I’m in pain since Sunday it’s very strange,can’t think of any thing else.will see my Gp tomorrow morning hope they do something about it xx
Good luck with the doctors tomorrow- hope they can advise on this and sort this pain out xoxo

Thanks jess, I really hope it’s not something serious xoxo
Hi Anna, so sorry you’re having these rotten symptoms. I have been given an antibiotic for UTI in the past even when urine sample came back clear as GP said low level infection doesn’t always show up !?? Drink loads of water in the mean time and hoping when you go back to the doctor they can offer some explanation. Your body has been through a hell of a lot in the past weeks, hope you feel better very soon xo
Hi Dunla, I’ve bern to GP this morning and they said it’s not water infection,she called my clinic and asked the gyna department to do the scan so I’m going to do it today, they also asked for another water sample as well. I really hope it’s not something serious. How are you? xoxo
Fingers crossed they find out what’s wrong xx
Oh my goodness! How worrying for you, I do hope it’s nothing serious. Did you get any word from the scan yet? I’m ok thanks for asking xx
Just came back from hospital. Everything looks fine and normal ,they found nothing! Which is good but don’t know what the hell is this pain. My ivf nurse saw me as well she said it might be because of all the drugs they gave me and said normally it takes 3 period cycles for the body back to normal. Glad you’re ok lovely xxx
Hope you are feeling better Anna. X

I’m a bit better thanks lovely just came back from hospital and everything were fine guess my body like to make pain😒😂xx