I was wondering how much time you should leave between cycles. We have our next NHS cycle in June (although it won't start then- I've to call CD1 and then start meds on day 21). We are thinking whether to have a private cycle in between, maybe in March/April. Would we have enough time for both? Thanks
Time between cycles: I was wondering... - Fertility Network UK
Time between cycles

Hiya, one of our first consultants on the NHS suggested leaving a couple of months between cycles. I’m not sure what everyone’s thoughts are on this. Another doctor told me the body bounces back quickly but the mind is another thing. I think it’s probably important to be as physically and emotionally fit as possible. Good luck with your decision xx
Thanks Dunla. Our first cycle knocked me for six emotionally. I just wonder if I'd fair better if I knew that another cycle was just round the corner.
I think that personally if you could afford IVF privately then the more you can have then the higher your chances are to have a baby - so why not!
As long as you dont think that the whole process would be more emotionally damaging for you then i wouldnt see it as a problem.
Also i personally think that I would feel better emotionally knowing that if it doesnt work - its only a few months until you can try again!
wishing you lots of luck xxxxx
I think it’s a very personal choice re timing. It’s worth checking that you don’t lose your NHS funding if you go privately beforehand- I know some areas where they count private cycles as an attempt.
Good luck - lots of private clinics hold open evenings so you could go to one or some give free consultations (although unlikely to be with a consultant).

Thanks Zoe, we would miss out on a NHS cycle as a result but with a current 10-12 month wait between cycles and my 36th birthday looming large, we are prepared to do that x
My clinic suggested waiting three cycles between rounds. I would contact your clinic and ask what they recommend, maybe you could do a private one and if it doesn’t work You could still have your nhs one but delay it a little if necessary?
I was told 3 cycles between but every clinic is different.
How many cycles are you able to have on the NHS? X