Hi, can anyone tell me how long you are supposed to wait between a fresh transfer which we believe has failed (have a scan on Wednesday to confirm 😔), and a frozen transfer (we have 2 frozen embryos from this cycle)? I can only seem to find conflicting info online. Thanks x
Time between fresh and frozen transfers - Fertility Network UK
Time between fresh and frozen transfers

Depends on your consultant I think. My clinic likes you to wait two/three months but I’ve heard of others moving straight on to a new cycle. I think it probably also depends on whether you do a natural or medicated FET.
I’m sorry you think your first cycle has failed, it’s good to hear you have Frosties x
Hi there, sorry to hear you think it’s not worked this time. I was told I had to wait 3 months, but I actually gave it 4 in the end as I got quite ill with OHSS. To be honest, for me, the break was needed in the end (though it felt crap at the time!) Best of luck with it all xx
We were told three months. Sorry to hear you don’t think it’s worked xx
Ask your clinic? Each clinic say different things. Mine were happy for me to do it the following month but I decided to take three months in order for my body to recover from my chemical pregnancy and to put
the money together as I was flying abroad as well as paying for the FET. I'm glad I did wait a bit as it was an emotional roller coaster the second time. All the best x
the money together
Thanks ladies, much appreciated. I’m preparing myself to be told the worst on Wednesday at our scan, I’ve been bleeding since Christmas Day and passed a blood clot about an inch in size on Saturday. I spoke with the out of hours consultant at the time and she said it didn’t sound good. 😔 X
Hi my lovely, I’m really sorry to hear you think it hasn’t worked this time. I’ve started my frozen cycle right after the failed fresh, I wasn’t told to wait. Xxx