On Monday we had our egg collection. Tuesday I got a call to say how many fertilized.
The embryologist said she would call on Thursday (today) to let us know how they are doing and if I needed to go in for the embryo transfer.
It's past 12 in the afternoon and I have received no phone call.
I'm such a nervous are. Don't know what to do.
Worried our embabies didn't make it 😭
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Hi all. Just as I finished my txt to u all.
I received the call. 😀😀
My 3 embryos are doing good at this stage (day 3).
We will be going in on Saturday for our embryo transfer.
Will let you know how I'm doing then. Xx
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That’s great news x
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Still waiting omg going out my head. 😥😥😥
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Great news ❤
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Fantastic news, you take good care of yourself the next few days and lots and lots of luck for Saturday xxx
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Got the call.. 😍😍😍 Hi ladies..
The hospital called with fantastic news today both our embies survived thawing out and...
We got the call! 😅 The overwhelming sense of relief I felt getting the call from our midwife, brought me to tears....
Had the call 😀 Just had the call from the embryologist out of our 7 eggs collected, 5 have fertilised. So got the...
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