I had a call yesterday 4 eggs fertilised, booked in for transfer Monday in case, will they call me today? I just want to know how my little eggs are doing!!! X
Does the lab call on day 2? - Fertility Network UK
Does the lab call on day 2?
Does it say on any of the paperwork they gave you? Think mine is day 1 then day 3 but guess you could always phone up and check?
Yes thanks I checked and they do not check embies day 2, basically they will call me first thing if pushing to day 5 transfer x
No I don't think they will contact you unless they need to change the transfer day xxx
Yeah I'd say they won't contact you unless something up so all good for transfer tomorrow. .it's horrible though as I wanted to know how our embies were too and just wanted them home..good luck tomorrow xx
Hi. I had FET and although my date and time of transfer was booked when I went for scan of thickness of my lining, the clinic rang me on the morning of the transfer at 9:45 am to tell me about the Embies.
So, your transfer should be still going ahead at the scheduled time tomorrow even if you don't get the call today
Fingers are crossed for you .
Best of luck. Hope all goes well xx
No they make one call but you free to call them up the days after to check how little embryos doing. We didn't as I didn't want the extra stress. I just thought if there's a problem they'll let me know and I'll see how they are in ET day. Its a personal choice xx
Normally u should get daily update I think but mine was in Greece so may be different & we got emails rather than calls but it varies. U could always call them I guess to get an update!! Good luck xxx