I am due to trigger tonight and egg collection on Tuesday morning. I only have 4 follicles as I have low amh and 2 days ago 2 of then we're 19mm. I am now paranoid that I will ovulate before EC and lose them all! This probably sounds rediculous but just wondered if any one has any words of reassurance.
Paranoid re egg collection! - Fertility Network UK
Paranoid re egg collection!

I had that fear as well, but providing you take your trigger shot at the right time the clinic tell you to, then everything should be fine.
Good luck!
They know what they’re doing and will have told you the right time to take your trigger xx
Thanks. I think I'm just super anxious about it all and worried they will all be gone when they go to collect them!
Hi, I had similar response to stimulation as yourself in all my cycles due to low AMH and follicles were about that size too in last scan. In my 4 cycles I never ovulated before EC. Fingers crossed for you xx
You won’t. Take your trigger at the time you were told and it will work out. They know what they’re doing. Good luck xx
Good luck for EC tomorrow x
Good luck for your egg collection xx
Good luck with ec. the trigger will keep it all under control so try not to worry xx
Good luck, hope all goes well xx
Thank you ladies, managed to get 4 eggs so just got to wait until tomorrow to find out how many fertilise!