After what seems forever, we have egg collection tomorrow morning😉 I am nervous and a little apprehensive about it all😖Can anyone offer any advice on what to expect? Also, I am uncertain as to what to wear, I am thinking something comfortable like leggings! 😉xx
Egg Collection Tomorrow..... - Fertility Network UK
Egg Collection Tomorrow.....
Hey hon
Good luck tomorrow
I wish people
I wish people had been more honest about the egg collection my first time as if have been better mentally and physically prepared.
I wouldn't wear anything that pressed on your tummy. Loose tracksuit bottoms are great and shoes that are easy to get on and off without too much bending.
After I used Ice packs alternated with hot bottles. After implantation no ice or hot bottles allowed!!! Just paracetamol
In Spain there's no general anaesthetic for this so it's not nice at all, but in the UK I understand most girls just had period type pains depending on the amount of eggs retrieved once they came round.
Plan to rest 2-3 days after and drink plenty of sports type drinks to be hydrated.
Everyone is different, some great others not so much, try to relax as much as possible as the more tense you feel the worse it is, but like a smear.
Fingers crossed for lots of great eggs
You can do this! It's great to get this far, go for it!!!!!
Thanks for your advice, much appreciated😉Good luck with everything Hun😉 xxx
I have mine on Tuesday 😀 I have done it before and it was absolutely fine, I can't remember anything it was over and done really quick and didn't feel a thing afterwards. Good Luck 🍀🍀
Hi when i had my egg collection it was sore but bearable, i just tried really hard to concentrate on the reason i was there which helped although i did get a bit teary then!! I really hope you get the perfect number of perfect eggs and they make perfect embryos for you xx
Good luck. For me EC was fine, I had General aneasthethic and had the day of EC and the day after off to recover. After EC I felt quite bloated and a bit uncomfortable rather than pain, apparently this is normal after all the drugs and poking.
All the best of luck, I have had 3 Egg collections and all been fine, sedated and felt no pain. Bit groggy after and felt bit sick, I only bled slightly and bit of cramp, rested and fine. Try not to worry, Hopefully it will all go smooth for you....Lots of Love xxx