Hi all,
My wife and I are at the end of the two year window of trying for a baby. We are one step away from hearing if we qualify for NHS funded IVF. It is both exciting and nerve-wracking. However, since August of this year we've also had to cope with a friend who has become an uncle and will not let go of reminding us! It all started with him sending baby scan photos of his brothers' wife's baby in waiting. Since then, about once every two-three weeks he's updated us on how well his nephew is doing with big blown up photos of his nephew dominating the e mails he has sent. We have gently tried to remind him that we are struggling and his response his 'I'm sure it will happen for you'. Are we being too sensitive? He is a fragile person anyway with many sensitive issues so we don't want to come down hard on him as we have always tried to support him as best as we can through those difficult times. But, at this point in time, whether it is selfish or not, we feel he's not fully understanding our situation - a situation where we may one day have to accept we cannot have children. If he doesn't hear back from me he will facebook message my wife to share his joy at being an uncle. We are, of course, delighted for him and his brother but, short of blocking these e mails, I'm not sure what we can do to stop being reminded of what we haven't got. Any advice would be most welcome!