"Why me" is the question that comes to my mind at least a million time in a day. I keep asking myself that there are so many couples out there who are enjoying their parenthood. Why God chose us? What wrong did we do? We are church-going family. There are those who have never been to church in their lives. They seem to be living a happy life. Why it's us then? Just look at the TV personalities. What wrong do they not do? Still, everyday someone has a pregnancy to announce. We have been waiting and trying for five years now. Why can't we get the chance to announce our pregnancy?
Pregnancy problem: "Why me" is the... - Fertility Network UK
Pregnancy problem
Hi Belen, I ask myself everyday the same. Why do we have to stuggle for having a child while everyone around me is getting pregnant?
But I try to look in my life and its memories to focus on why me has been so lucky so far to have a serene and happy childhood/adolescence, two lovely parents (despite divorced) who care for me to bits. I manage to make my ends meet, I’ve got fantastic friends and then there’s him, my husband who is a rock and a gentle sensitive man. And also some of my friends have struggled in life while I was a happy young lady and still are for reasons different than mine (they lost parents, they have life threatening conditions, they had accidents who affected their psyche). I come to the conclusions that we’re kinda the same sometimes, everyone with their own problems. Then, yes, there are certain people who look more lucky than us but how can be sure they’ve been or they will be that lucky throughout their whole life?
My weapon to keep on going with this struggle is try to not think I have been somehow selected to have a sad life because I’m currently not managing to have a baby. There’s no natural selection. It’s just happened. We did not do anything wrong! Another weapon is empathy with other people’s issues. Another one is loving my dear ones and sharing this love, being kind to strangers, doing my best to think that life can be very hard to everyone sometimes.
And also, nowadays there are luckily alternative ways to parenthood that should not be underestimated. I’m still trying ivf but if nothing changes in a year we’ll probably go for egg donation or adoption. We’ve got lot of love to give and we will.
Stay strong x