Hi all. Not been a regular visitor for a while. Hello everybody.
I am getting ready for another donor egg cycle, but our prepatory scan showed I had a hydrosalpinx (fluid in one of the fallopian tubes, due to blockage from my endo). If you don't know about this, they recommend removing or clipping the tube if this happens, because the fluid can gloop out into the uterus at the wrong moment and be bad for an implanting embryo.
So, today went for my surgery, and luckily I prepared myself mentally for having both tubes removed, depending on what the surgeon saw.. and yes, she didn't like the look of the other tube either so out it came.
I feel glad neither tube can cause probs in the future, and one good thing is that my uterus cavity looks good (I had hysteroscopy at the same time) so that is positive.. but a little sad to finally wave goodbye to my tubes and fertility! Although I know the reality is that I had near zero chance on my own.
So... enjoying allowing myself to be totally lazy today post-op! Enjoyed the hospital bed with it's buttons to get in a lovely comfy position this afternoon And am now home enjoying cats, sofa and a fire, not to mention chocolate cookies..
Lots of love to you all xx