Hi all, seeing as my first cycle hasn’t worked I was wondering with how many of you had your medication changed? I was on merional and cetrotide. Would love to know your situations and advice. Would be much appreciated x
2nd cycle changes : Hi all, seeing as... - Fertility Network UK
2nd cycle changes

My medication has been changed for my 2nd round. I over achieved in my first cycle with 19 eggs, so my medication has been changed for the 2nd go.

Thank you for the reply. I hope it go well for you x
Im waiting to start my 2nd round. Medication has stayed the same. They have just changed the time i take the cetrotide to on a morning. Last time i got 9 eggs 6 fertilised but none left over for freezing.
I’m starting my 2nd round mid November. 1st round was cancelled half way trough due to poor response so my consultant has increased my dose of menopur for the whole 12 days of stimming. Will mean I’m going to have to do 2 injections each night 😩 but it will be worth it in the end if we manage to get to EC this time round.
So sorry your round didn’t work out. Fingers crossed for the next one!
Hi Hun, they increased my stims to try and get more eggs and also put me on lubion to help with Implantation as I bled early on the first cycle. Good luck x
They changed mine and I went from 3 mature eggs to 9, which was obviously a big improvement! They switched from menopur to a big dose of gonal-f with a bit of menopur on the last few days. They also got me to trigger 37 hours before EC instead of 36 which seemed to increase the maturity.
We were NHS for our first cycle and we’re in short protocol. We’re just about to start round two privately and are trying a long protocol this time with two different stims drugs. We’re also trying ICSI this time so all very different from last time.
Good luck whatever you end up doing. X

Thank you for your reply. Any reason why you’ve gone private now because I thought you had 2 rounds on the nhs? Tell me to bugger off if I’m being too nosey luv x
It varies by CCG. Only one round for us as I’m 41. Feel very lucky to have had that round to be honest.