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New here and just wanted to say Hi and share my journey so far

Mrsgled1982 profile image
17 Replies

Hi all

I'm 34 and my husband is 37. We have been trying naturally for 6 years but nothing happened, finally woke up to the fact we needed help last November and visited my my GP.

My hubby was sent for SA as he had never had any tests done, we already knew that I had PCOS as I got diagnosed back in 2009 we were not ttc then so no treatment was ever discussed. We found out that although he had a high volume his morphology was low 2%.

Our 1st consultation was on the 16th of January, at seacroft hospital I was referred for all the usual scans/blood tests and had an HSG.

On my 2nd consultation on the 13th of March I found out my AMH was 68 and AFC 23 follicles on each side and I have a high level of testosterone in my body. HSG showed both tubes were healthy and clear

We got offered clomid or IVF as possible treatment. We decided to go for ivf as we wanted the best odds of conceiving. The consultant has decided that the short protocol is best for me because of the risk of OHHS because of the PCOS.

We are currently on a waiting list to book a nurse consultation approx 3-4 weeks. And hopefully this is where our journey truly starts

Sorry for the long post.

I'm feeling a bit anxious about it all, I hate waiting for it all to start but hopefully it will be all worth it in the end.

Be nice to hear from anyone else who is in the same situation or anyone'sexperiences.

Thank you for not dropping to sleep lol

Lynsay xxxx

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Mrsgled1982 profile image
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17 Replies
WeeJacs profile image

Welcome Lynsey, I'm quite new on here too even tho we've been ttc for nearly 5 years. 2 IVF attempts but unfortunately both ended in mc. I'm just sorry i never knew about this welcoming site before. Everyone has lots of advice but more importantly kind words too x

Hi Linsay, i am very new to this group too but hello!

I am sure you will find lots of people to help and share their experiences and encourage.

I do wish I'd have found this group earlier. We have not gone down the IVF route so can't help there- i don't think we will for various reasons ( 2 rounds clomid left but not holding out much hope! ) We have been trying for over 4 years but are lucky in a big way as it's secondary fertility for us, although we dearly would have loved a sibling for our boy and to complete our family.

Sounds like you have been through it with 6 years trying, everything crossed for you xxx

Mrsgled1982 profile image

Thanks both of you for replying.

I tend to waffle on and share too much lol but am glad to know that there is support out there xx

Daddu1 profile image

I'm on same board nurse appointment in few Gp sent me to hospital last April 16 and done all the test then said everything normal,I ll conceive nomally still hubby motility 10%.i did ask but dr said 4% enough then December 16 signed for ivf. Now we about to start treatment. I hope this will help u

Mrsgled1982 profile image
Mrsgled1982 in reply to Daddu1

Thanks for the reply. Is it usually to wait that long from nurse consultation to start with treatment. X

Daddu1 profile image

Depends on clinic I waited for 3months after signing papers to start ivf and 1st dr appointment done,c explained all the procedures and forwarded to nurse and I have been informed nurse will give the calendar dates which I'm waiting in few days

Mrsgled1982 profile image
Mrsgled1982 in reply to Daddu1

I sort of got lost when talking to the receptionist at the time when we come out from seeing the consultant. Head was full of information and was stressing out having a blood test at time. I looked on hefa website for a guide of waiting and that was 3-4 weeks to start treatment. Think I will give then a call for clarification x

Daddu1 profile image
Daddu1 in reply to Mrsgled1982

Have u got a date for nurse appointment?

Mrsgled1982 profile image
Mrsgled1982 in reply to Daddu1

Not yet I think that's what the 3-4 week wait is for. Fingers crossed it does come through in that time frame because we have booked to go on holiday on the 1st of may as our last trip before all treatment starts

Daddu1 profile image
Daddu1 in reply to Mrsgled1982

I think Normally they give the date for nurse appointment when u c the dr. I think better to call the clinic and c. Good luck

Welcome Lynsay. I'm pretty new too. Joined just over a month ago when I saw an advert for this group in our clinic. We start our first IVF treatment on Saturday.

It took us a year from GP referral to treatment and 6 months from first consultation to our nurses appointment so great that it's only 3-4 weeks for you. We were then another 2 months from nurses appointment until treatment.

I've found this site such a great source of support and information and am so glad I found it before we started the treatment.

Hope you get your starting date soon and good luck. I look forward to following your journey. X

Mrsgled1982 profile image
Mrsgled1982 in reply to

Good luck for Saturday.

I think that they have a quick turnaround at my clinic. 2-3 weeks for private and 3-4 for NHS for nurse consultation and I think they try for next month to start treatment. So if all goes well it will be approx 5 months since 1st appointment. I just can't wait to get started if am honest I've had 6 years of nothing so this has given me some hope.

in reply to Mrsgled1982

That's great news. Completely understand you wanting to get started. Good luck with it all. X

72cloud9 profile image

Best of luck Hun xxx

Leesalou profile image

Hi and welcome,

Good luck with your cycle, we maybe cycle buddies, I've got to ring Wednesday to confirm my choice of centre the. There contact me to go see them and decide on plan then can start accordingly so I'm hoping it be mid April / if not may xx

Mrsgled1982 profile image
Mrsgled1982 in reply to Leesalou

Yeah maybe. Hopefully start it sometime in april but if it's may I will have to defer for a month and start June because we have booked to go on holiday on the 1st of may. Think I will be on short protocol because of my PCOS so no down reg for me.

Petricker profile image

Welcome Lynsay! It's a nice place to look for support and advice, at least it is so for me. Any time I need to share my thoughts, there is always someone who ready to give advice. I love it.

Be sure all of us know about waiting game and I can hardly believe there is someone who likes it. You just need to take it, you should be patient, sweetheart. Take care. Lots of love xxx

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