Due to start stims tonight, I have an event on Saturday and struggling on how I will do the injection. Do the stims have to be at the same time every night? Nurse has said I could stay on buserelin a week longer if I want
STIMS: Due to start stims tonight, I... - Fertility Network UK

I know my daughter had her injections at the same time everyday. When she was due to take her trigger injection, we were at a party. I had a word with the landlord and told him the situation. He closed the toilets off 10 minutes before she had to do it. He was brilliant. Hope that helps a little xxxx
I had a funeral during my last cycle and took my Gonal f an hour earlier for that night. My nurse said it was okay as a one off but generally it should be done at the same time every night. If your concerned and won't enjoy your event Saturday then maybe staying on buserelin will be best x
For my menopur it had to be done in the same 4 hour window. Didn't have to be the same time exactly just between that 4 hours so it be fine am sure ☺️ best wishes
I was told an hr or 2 either side wouldn't hurt as a one off. I ended up doing my trigger shot in a disabled toilet as that has to be done at a very specific time and I knew I couldn't get home in time. I wouldn't necessarily recommend it if there is another way but if there is no other option could you potentially take a little rucksack with you with your injection in it?
Thanks all really don't want to be on buserelin another week so will take it with me just the mixing of 3 vials to one water xx
Wherever I was, i just did mine in the Loos or in the car at a convenient moment, I didn't worry too much if it was a tiny bit late. I had a little Tupperware pot I kept everything In so just put the used needles back in there afterward and disposed of them in the sharps bin when I got home.
Fridge meds I just kept in a cool bag with an ice pack if I had to be out, or on one occasion got the bar staff to put them in the fridge behind the bar until I needed them (I just said it was medication, didn't explain what). I decided I couldn't put my life on hold. It was a bit more tricky on menopur because of the mixing powder to water but I still managed it. I've also experienced staying on buserelin for an extra week (to allow hubbie to go on a stag weekend) and I would not really advise this as the longer you are on it, the worse any side effects get. For me, that was more time without good quality sleep as it gave me night sweats. And you don't really want to be cream crackered during such times! But it is do-able if you really can't do your injection at the event.
I just started this past Tuesday and I have an event on Saturday as well. Luckily it's not too far from home so I just plan to make an excuse to come home and then go back. My one friend who will be there knows and I told her so she'll be able to thwart any questions or suspicion from the rest of the group. Hope the first shot went well. Good lcuk