Morning all,
A few weeks ago, my SIL who is due on Xmas day said that she wanted to go out for lunch to celebrate the impending arrival. She sent a message to a group of about 12 people. All but 2 others, plus me, have no children.
The FB invite came out last night & looks like the 2 others without children aren't going no so will just be me & all these mums.
I am seriously contemplating not going but not sure if I'm just being a bit too selfish.
We had kept our IVF journey very personally & had only told a couple of people, my SIL being one of them. However, she found out she was pregnant just as we were going through our 2nd IVF cycle. Obviously, ours failed & she then wasn't sure how to tell me so she spoke to a friend (who is going to this lunch) who then told her husband who then proceeded to bring it up in conversation with one of my other BIL & SIL - who didn't know!!
Raging didn't cover it - we ended up having to tell my mum & my MIL - who is terminally ill & we chose not to say anything due to the fact that she would worry & she has way more important things to worry about!!
The relationship has been somewhat strained since then with my SIL but I'm just very apprehensive about going. Not helping the fact is that 3 of the other women invited to this lunch all had IVF so I'm worried now that she has said something to them too as her way of "helping".
Finally, on top of that, we are due to get a new kitchen installed the Monday after the lunch (on a Saturday) so my OH is telling me to use that as an excuse.
I have one SIL who knows everything & I know that she would try & steer conversations away from subjects that she thinks will hurt me but I feel bad putting her in that position. I also just don't want the pitying eyes of the people that know because, quite frankly, it's absolutely none of their business!!
We chose not to tell anyone as, whilst we were in their company, we were allowed to forget about issues we had.
I'm really sorry for rambling on but I don't think I'm having a very good day today!!