I've got to take these twice a day is it best to try and take them at the same time each day? Also without being too graphic does it matter which end you insert them in?
Progesterone Suppositories - Fertility Network UK
Progesterone Suppositories
Yes I was told to take them at the same time every day, I do it at 7am/pm give or take 30 mins. I was advised to do it vaginally. Is this not written on the box? I'm surprised your clinic hasn't given you instructions
It says either vaginal or rectal just wondered which is best? in terms of timing because I had my EC today they said to take one when i got home and one before I go to bed and then from tomorrow one am and one pm x
I did them rectally less mess. My clinic say either way is fine x
Some say every 12 hours. My clinic said rectally is better pre transfer because it's less messy then for when they do the transfer. Post transfer either is fine xx
I went for hole number 2 as less messy. If i had an upset stomach used hole number 1. Clinic said either is fine. Panty liners are a requirement for hole number 1.
I was told last thing at night when I go to bed and 20 minutes before I would normally get up in the morning so it had time to absorb. Ive ended up doing it around 10:30pm and 5:30am. They are quite messy so you will need pantyliners xx