So much pain..: Looking for hopefully a... - Fertility Network UK

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So much pain..

E_05 profile image
36 Replies

Looking for hopefully a little re assurance since my EC yesterday the pain in my left side and when i pass urine is getting worse to the point it's woken me up (hence the early post lol) and as I've gone to get up it's been so painful my hubbys had to help. I don't remember it being like this last year, I know they had to 'dig' around a lot more on my left side though this time.

Anyone else had experience of this?

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E_05 profile image
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36 Replies
bluewanderlust profile image

Hi, I am awake too!! I had my egg collection 4 months ago and it was absolute agony as soon as I came round from sedation. I had to have codeine and it took nearly 2 months to settle down. I had to go to A n E twice during the 2 weeks after with the pain as I thought I might have a twisted ovary! I would say take strong painkillers and speak to the clinic this morning and see what the say. I know it is a miserable time being in so much pain, thinking of you xx

E_05 profile image
E_05 in reply to bluewanderlust

Thank you for your reply, sorry you had such a rough time to. Mine was almost immediate from sedation to but it's getting worse not better. Hubby wants me to go a&e but I'm trying to avoid that, pain relief hasn't help but I'm able to lay on my right side for some relief. Hope your pregnancy is going well xx

bluewanderlust profile image
bluewanderlust in reply to E_05

Thanks so much, I have my 12 week scan on Thursday, nervous but cant wait. Mine got worse too for quite a time afterwards. I was in so much pain I thought there must be something really wrong as no one else seemed to have too much trouble and just took paracetamol for a short time. I was on codeine for days but then had a transfer 6 days after so had to stop taking it. The pregnancy actually made it worse as it caused my ovaries to become even more swollen, small price to pay now but at the time time it was awful. It is possible to get OHSS after collection, so drink lots of water even though you wont feel like it due to the bloating. I really hope it eases off for you xxxx

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to E_05

Are you able to see your gp today? Or at least speak on the phone? xx

bluewanderlust profile image

I remember lying on one side cant remember which really helped too. At my last scan a week ago they said my ovaries where still quite swollen xx

E_05 profile image
E_05 in reply to bluewanderlust

Thank you, kind of re assuring to know yours got worse to in the nicest possible way. That's what I'm concerned about as I'm classed as higher risk for OHSS I was well monitored through stimming though.

Understandable your nervous for Thursday, I think when you go through what we do the worrying never ends - try and enjoy every moment of hearing and seeing your baby though, you've been through enough to get there xx

Oh no, hope you're feeling better very soon! Did they mention OHSS to you? I got 'moderate ohss' after my ec (apparently there's mild, moderate and severe' and was out on medication for a week. I was drinking Like 6 pints of water a day as well to try and flush through my system but I ended up needing quite a bit of time off work as it was not nice at all. Sound like what you're experiencing now. I'd give your clinic a call and let them know they might prescribe you something for it xxx

E_05 profile image
E_05 in reply to

This is what I'm worried about as I've been classed as 'higher risk' for OHSS by my clinic - they monitored me well through stimming though. I remember last year feeling a little bloated after but never felt like this. I will do, thank you xx

in reply to E_05

How have you got on Hun and how are you feeling today? Did you call your clinic? Hope you're on the way to feeling better. Loves xxx❤️💕 xxx

E_05 profile image
E_05 in reply to

Feeling a little better thanks, spoke to my clinic and ended up being admitted to hospital so waiting for another scan today. They think it's a combination of mild OHSS and infection from EC so hoping to be discharged this afternoon xx

in reply to E_05

Oh crikey, hope you're okay my lovely. These thing certainly test us!!! Why it can't all just run smoothly I'll never know?! Hope you're at home comfy in bed with some good meds xxxxx

_MrsC profile image

Honey I'd go to a and e to get checked. If the painkillers aren't helping, the pain is greater than it should be. Thinking of you and hoping everything's ok. xxx

E_05 profile image
E_05 in reply to _MrsC

Thank you, I'm thinking that might be the next thing if I can't manage the pain till my clinic open. Hubby got worried as I'm struggling to stand due to the pain and rang 111 explained I'd been through IVF and EC, there reply 'has she given birth in the last 7 days or a chance she could be pregnant' - seriously?! Xx

C_L_A_I_R_E profile image

I had pain & cramping after egg collection but it went after about 2 days. (See my post) I think yours sounds more serious, contact your clinic and go a and e to get checked over. Wishing you a quick recovery Hun! X

Lou9 profile image

Oh no sorry to hear you are in pain. I would definitely go and get checked out. Hope the pain eases and you get some reassurance. Take care. Xx

MrsB_2013 profile image

Morning. Sorry to hear you're in so much pain. Hope it subsided a little bit and you haven't had to go to A&E. After my ec I had a lot of pain when my bladder was full - clinic told me it was the pressure from my swollen ovaries and there just being limited space in my abdomen! Said it was ok as long as I was still able to have a wee. I was also really constipated which added to the fun! I found a hot water bottle really helpful with the pain along with painkillers... hope you're feeling a bit better soon xxx

Fredaflintstone profile image

Hope you're ok. Worth getting checked out. Diane always says to drink lots of water. Xxx

Amanda86 profile image

Hey, after my EC last year I was in absolute agony. It lasted I think 2 days but was very painful, I took paracetamol but it hardly touched it. It hurt when I pee'd and when I was walking I was all hunched over because the pain was so strong and I couldn't stand straight. I kept drinking plenty water and taking regular paracetamol and it did pass after a few days.

I never called hospital or anything so I'm not sure if that level of pain was normal but it did pass although 5 days later (when having ET) I was still tender although it was loads better!

Maybe call your clinic to ask just for reassurance? Hope your feeling a little better xxx

Oakey80 profile image

Hello, if it helps I was exactly the same as Amanda86 . I couldn't walk properly for 5 days...more of a shuffle as I was in so much pain and stairs were a nightmare. Was popping paracetamol like sweets the first 2-3 days! It hurt so much when my bladder was full and when I emptied it as well. I had ec on a weds am and finally started to feel better on the Sunday. It took a good 2wks or more before I felt 100% again. Hope you feel better soon xxx

E_05 profile image

Thank you all, I spoke to my clinic and they weren't happy with how distended my stomach is or the internal examination so am in hospital having more tests. After doing a urine sample a very insensitive nurse burst into my cubicle to congratulate on me being pregnant - safe to say I couldn't hold back the tears xx

_MrsC profile image
_MrsC in reply to E_05

Oh my goodness! Did she not read your notes? I hope she was suitably apologetic and embarrassed.

What a week you're having. I really hope you can come home soon and feel better enough to have et.

Sending a big hug. xxx

E_05 profile image
E_05 in reply to _MrsC

Thank you, yeah the consultant definitely gave her an ear full and she did sheepishly apologise by saying her friend was going through IVF but fell pregnant before so miracles do happen but by this point I'd given up talking to her so hubby had a few words. Finger crossed il be discharged this afternoon xx

_MrsC profile image
_MrsC in reply to E_05

Oh my! She needs to learn when to say I am just so sorry and then be quiet. Obviously no training dealing with women in our situation. Keeping my fingers crossed for you. xxx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image

Ohhh God really hope your OK bless ya thinking of you xx

E_05 profile image
E_05 in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

Thank you, never rains but it pours. On the plus side 5 of my 6 eggs fertilised and their hoping for day 5 transfer so fingers crossed they all make it and I'm ready to go by then xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to E_05

That's great news about your embies! Well done. Sorry to hear you are a bit poorly, hope it doesnt last too much longer!xx

E_05 profile image
E_05 in reply to Cinderella5

Thank you, got to focus on the positives xx

Raglee profile image
Raglee in reply to E_05

Great news about your emboss... hope you feel better soon x

E_05 profile image
E_05 in reply to Raglee

Thank you, being kept in tonight for monitoring and another scan in the morning. All be worth it though if it means I'm okay for transfer x

7AVA profile image
7AVA in reply to E_05

Hope, hope, hope you are, and glad you're being looked after xxx

7AVA profile image
7AVA in reply to E_05

That's great news - hope your pain is starting to subside a little xxx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image

Awww least you've got some good news fingers crossed it's all up from here. Bless ya 💗🤗😘

C_L_A_I_R_E profile image

Wishing you a quick recovery! Ready for that blastocyst transfer 🤞🏻🍀

N_M_10 profile image

Aww how you are feeling better soon. xx

cls37 profile image

Hope you are feeling a bit better and can prepare for your transfer xxx

NsKaz profile image

Oh I'm so sorry to hear you're in pain. I've had OHSS and I'm not gonna lie it's been bloody awful. I found hot lemon barley water helped with the bloatedness and the pain a little.

Really hope you're ok and feeling a little better xxxx

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