Abit random but more ppl i know have been asking how much green tea i drink.
Does anyone drink this and are concerned about any effects?
Abit random but more ppl i know have been asking how much green tea i drink.
Does anyone drink this and are concerned about any effects?
Just a cup would be OK for a day , more than that may affect the folic acid absorption. I usually have green tea in morning and folic acid tablet at lunch.
I never even thought of folic absorption. I take both at the same time.
check this, and I also did lot of research as green tea may affect the folic acid absorption, so i always give some time difference between tea and tablet..I Just have one cup after started using folic acid. As fas as I know, Same applies with herbal tea..
Thanks for the link its really useful!
This link is really interesting! I often drink red bush tea with my vit pills. Do you think this affects absorption? May change to a juice🤔
Raspberry leaf good for uterine health x
I limited myself to one cup a day. As well as the folic acid absorption, it has quite a bit of caffeine in it. I do think the goodness of green tea outweighs the risks if it's drunk in moderation but that's just my opinion.
I used to drink green tea until my acupuncturist told me about ginger and lemon - gingers meant to be warming for the stomach. So I just drink 1 cup of that a day now x
Green tea still has caffeine in it doesn't it so I personally wouldn't have it. My acupuncturist also said to avoid it. I'm not sure why xx
I've never been told to avoid tea! I drink loads of tea, is this about the caffeine in tea or something else?
Caffeine for all tea but ppl i know have said specifically green tea has started to be linked to infertility. I hadn't heard this but thought if anyone knows i'll get an answer on here.
I would drink a few a day and have started decaf a few months back.