Last weeks baseline went well, however first scan today following 7th menopur injection last night & I'm not responding well..... low number of follicules & lining still thin. Awaiting a call about increasing menopur.... bloods taken to check my hormone levels, feeling disappointed.... can anyone relate plz?
First scan following 7 stim injection... - Fertility Network UK
First scan following 7 stim injections..... low number of folicules.... any advise please?
Hey, I didnt have that many follcles on my day 7 scans but I was unfortunately at the highest dose my clinic give - Im much older than you though! Hopefully once they adjust your menopur then they will be popping out, its also amazing what a difference a repeat scan in a few days time can make!xx
I have a repeat scan on Friday so fingers crossed, I only have 2 responding & 3 small ones. Was you on menopur? I think they definetly going to increase my dose I'm just waiting on a call back later today x
I'm on 150..... but they are looking to increase my to 300. It was just so disappointing to here I'm not responding as they hoped especially for my age that's why I had bloods taken too to check my hormone level xx
I can totally relate!! 😔 We had a poor baseline scan last Mon with only 2 follicles - y'day they found 6 or poss 7 so they're hopeful I'm responding to meds, but they were very small!! Now just having to pray for some growth - next scan is Fri!! 🙏🤞🏻
I'm on the highest Gonal meds my clinic will give tho!!
Hopefully you will be given an increased dose and you'll see a big difference at next scan!! 😊🍀xx
I really hope so, baseline had no concerns today was a week later to only find 2 responding & some small ones...I hoping she phones to say increase meds & have scan booked for Friday anyway so hopefully will be looking better.... EC was meant to be 21st but I'm guessing that may get put back x
Wishing you all the best & hoping for some follie growth for us both by Fri!! 🤞🏻🍀
I was the same, EC pencilled in for 21st but likely later now!! 😏xx
I've heard hot waters bottles can help with the growth but my clinic advised not too😐 wishing you the best of luck for Friday too x
Scan update ....our 2 larger follicules have grown & 4 smaller ones are catching up we have the following measurement
20, 18, 15, 13, 11, 10
So doubling the menopur for the last 3 injections has been working😊, another scan in the morning & possible scan Monday or EC. Hope your scan goes ok today x
I started on 450mg so you've still got a way to go on increasing that dose. Alot can change with an increase in the stims and easier said than done but try not to worry x
I was started on 300 of menopur daily which was increased to 375 after my 1st scan at 7days. I remained on that throughout it did make a difference though. We managed to get a 1 transferred unfortunately a BFN but we've also got 3 frostie blasts. My EC was delayed by a couple of days but I preferred it that way xx