Hiya so after 3hrs in a&e I found out...........absolutely nothing!!! The scanning dept is closed at the weekend so they had no one who could do it. They said from the sound of it, they're not worried (as there was no pain)...Doesn't help me and my worry though! They said they'd be happy for me to wait for my 12wk scan in 3wks. ..but I insisted on one earlier than that. So someone from the epu is going to call me Monday to "try" and book me in for next week. What a joke huh!...but on a positive note the bleeding has stopped for now and as I said I'm not in any pain (although I think my pregnancy symptoms have disappeared 🙈) xxx
Update post a&e...: Hiya so after 3hrs... - Fertility Network UK
Update post a&e...

I'm pretty shocked by this. Our local hospital offers scans at weekends. And make you wait three weeks that's terrible. Could you afford to go private? ( Not that you should have to ). The fact you're not in pain is very positive ( I think if you'd lost the baby you'd be in pain ) My GP has referred me to the Early Pregnancy Unit for a scan because of the bleeding and you should be scanned to as you've had bleeding and all bleeding in Pregnancy should be taken seriously. Rest up and take it easy xoxo glad the bleeding has stopped xoxo
When I had the same last week they also told me if no severe cramps or agony, it wouldn't be bad. And in my case, they were right. Thinking of you
Ah thanks for the positive news...I don't have pain but I do feel very pre af like (back ache/pressure in stomach/light headed) so I'm fully expecting it to start tomorrow 😣 xxx
I hope you are still no longer bleeding. Terrible service at the a&e...awful, so sorry x

I'm not bleeding like I was but still spotting and feel very af like...it certainly is terribleto leave us in limbo like this but what can you do...they have very limited resources and it's just my luck it happens on a sat night so no chance of a private scan tomorrow xxx
That's a good sign that the flow has stopped, it wouldn't with a period. rest and rest a bit more , lots of love to you xxx
I know this is sooo hard. I started bleeding 3 weeks ago and still am. I am now 8+5 and had a scan at EPU at 6 weeks and also my own clinic did one for me. All we well and found little Emby still there with heartbeat. I am sure your own clinic will be more than happy to give you a scan if you call them on Monday. I have had to accept the bleeding and have now had my booking appointment with my midwife. She said try not to worry as everything seems ok so far and it is not unusual. Sending you big hugs xxxx
Oh poor you!! Thinking of you and hoping all is ok 🙏 Xxx
I think that's awful they can't scan you or get you in early Monday. What about your on call nurse from where you have your treatment can they not do anything? I'm so pleased the bleeding has stopped and I hope everything is ok x hard to say but try to rest at home x
Pathetic hun! So sorry that this is the way you are treated. So helpful...NOT!
Go private for peace of mind. I can't believe they are happy for you to wait 3 weeks for a scan...have they heard of mental anguish??
Sorry if I am on a soapbox but so annoyed on your behalf. Sending hugs xxx
That is awful - like everyone else I'm shocked - I'm sure it is fine but nonetheless you would think they could at least offer you a scan asap to put your mind at rest. Hopefully you can schedule a private one for first thing Monday to get some reassurance. And don't forget - it is totally normal for pregnancy symptoms to come and go, plus you are probably overanalysing the symptoms a bit at the moment. As they said at A&E - it's probably all fine. Xx