just an update for those of you that commented on my last post regarding the pains/aches I was getting in my arm and side. I went to my GP yesterday and like the fertility doctor confirmed the pain isn’t pregnancy related, he said aches to joints such as PGP would happen in the 2T or 3T.
The advice was to do yoga (believe it or not) and stretch. He suggested to use deep heat but I don’t like that idea so will use oil instead.
I had my scan on Thursday and there is a heartbeat and baby is in the right place. I am measuring 4 days behind (I’m 6+1 instead of 6+5) but they aren’t too concerned and suggested I get a private scan in 2 weeks if I wanted some reassurance.
I am going to do a round up post soon, since the fertility clinic has now discharged me , so hope that will help someone x 😊