Nervous about HSG procedure..... - Fertility Network UK

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Nervous about HSG procedure.....

BabyHope profile image
29 Replies

Nervous about HSG procedure...but could it really be the answer to my infertility problems? Is it painful ?

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BabyHope profile image
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29 Replies
Dee22 profile image

Hi, try not to worry too much. Mine was ok, not the most dignified position to lie in but to be honest after a cycle of ivf it becomes second nature. I had some discomfort during it but nothing like I expected. I think it sounds worse than it is. I also tried to think of something else and some steady breathing throughout. Good luck. Hope it goes well for you x

BabyHope profile image
BabyHope in reply to Dee22

Hey Dee22,

Thanks for your reply. Its a great emotional support to receive reply in this situation. Do you mind me asking you when did you do your HSG test and what was the outcome ?

Dee22 profile image
Dee22 in reply to BabyHope

I had mine about 5 or 6 months ago and it was normal. It seems it is done at different times, mine was about a week after day 1 of period to ensure wasn't pregnant. I did take some ibuprofen before, just in case. It will soon be done and then you will have some answers. Good luck. If you have any questions let me know x

I would strongly recommend taking some ibuprofen beforehand..because during the procedure it can cause period pains.. I am glad I took some as I found it quite painful..but that's just my experience it maybe coz there may have been some material blocking my tube.. The doctor did say if he found anything he would try and unblock it for me.. Also you might feel tired afterwards and for a day or so.. I did again this is my experience you might be totally fine.. I rested for a day or so after and luckily my hubby looked after me well :) But when I did try doing things I did find myself getting tired very easily but this is my experience yours maybe different.. You will need someone to take you home afterwards..also providing you don't have blockages your chances of a pregnancy are increased for up to 6 months after the hsg ;) The other thing I'm sure your clinic have told you is the hsg cannot be performed during your period and cannot be done after ovulation so ideally day 8 or so of your cycle .. I was also told to do a pregnancy test the morning of my hsg( tho I knew I wouldn't be the clinic wanted to be 100% sure ) Also don't forgot to take the antibotics your clinic would've prescribed to you prior to the there's a small chance of infection taking the antibotics should stop any infection.. Finally I want to wish you good with it :) I think most women just find it uncomfortable I was just unlucky that mine hurt.. I'm sure you're be fine X

Jess X

EmmaT88 profile image


I had mine done about 10 weeks ago now. As others have said it is not the nicest position to lay in and its uncomfortable however I wouldn't call it painful. They had to try it 3 times for me as sadly they found my tubes are completely blocked, but to be honest at least I know what's wrong with me now and we are moving forward with IVF. :-)

Anyway I am sure you will be fine and get an answer, I had slight period pains afterwards but took an ibuprofen and was fine :-)

If you want to know exactly step by step what they do from what I remember let me know, but the procedure is not that bad at all.

Fingers crossed for you! Hope it goes well.

Emma :-)

BabyHope profile image

Hi Ladies,

Thanks for sharing your experiences with me.

My HSG test is scheduled on 24th Dec and I am looking forward to it. I am doing this test on my 17th day of cycle but we are restricting baby dancing for this month Lol. I am being so impatient and want to finish all the tests as soon as possible so that we know the exact reason why we are not getting pregnant :(

Have any one of you done HSG test on day 17th or later ? Does it really matter ?

in reply to BabyHope

Hi sweetie I was advised by my clinic not to do hsg after ovulation and if there is any possibility of you being pregnant as you could miscarry in fact my clinic wouldn't do the hsg if there was the slightest chance I could be pregnant .. I was also advised to use protection to avoid a pregnancy before the hsg.,in fact my clinic insisted on me doing a pregnancy test to ensure no pregnancy had happened.. I think best not to risk trying for a baby this month give yourself a month off and enjoy yourself have that glass if wine etc ;) .. I know it's hard coz you really want a baby but you don't wanna be pregnant and lose it with the hsg you could.. The other thing your clinic will ask you if there's any chance you could be pregnant and if there is they will not be able to do the hsg.. Sorry I'm sure this is not wot you wanna hear.. I hope your hsg goes well .. After your hsg if no blocks are found you will have increased chances of conceiving..lots of women conceive within a few month

of having an hsg procedure ;)

I know how frustrating it is not to have a reason for a delay in co conceiving.. My husband had unexplained infertility until we went private and discovered amongst other issues the main issue was my under active thyroid which is now being treated with thyroxine :) after ttc for 3 years and 1 month it was a big relief to have a reason :) I hope you get a reason and you get the help you need to have your baby :)

Jess X

pm27 profile image

Hi Babyhope,

I had my HSG in July/August and was worried about it as I'm a fainter with blood tests. However, it was absolutely fine much to my surprise. The closest thing I can liken it to is a smear test, so a little discomfort during and it lasted a bit longer. As we're private the consultant did it and although it is a little undignified he was very considerate and gently.

He showed me the X-rays straight away and it showed my tubes etc were fine. I did take ibuprofen beforehand as suggested but I didn't need them.

I hope yours goes OK.

Faith_87 profile image


I had mine a couple of months ago and agree its more uncomfortable then painful, we also didnt ttc that month as it was after ovulation. the lady that carried it out- was really harsh with me and made several attempts, afterwards she told me the dye didnt even go through the cervix. since then the doc has told me, she thinks my tubes are still not blocked- we'll see. good luck.x

Hopeful1982 profile image
Hopeful1982 in reply to Faith_87

Hi, it sounds like you had a bad experience and didn't get much clarity. When I had mine done the consultant struggled a bit too. He couldn't get the tube into my uterus to allow the dye to pass through. In the end he let the dye into the uterus (even though the tube wasn't in the best position). It still managed to go through the fallopian tubes. You may have had something similar. The consultant also said he thought he struggled because my bladder was empty.

Hopeful1982 profile image

Hello, I've had this done. It's a little undignified but to be honest I was too focussed on the result to give it much thought! I wouldn't say it was painful but it is uncomfortable so (on advice of the clinic) I took a couple of ibuprofen before hand. I'm sure it was around day 7 (so we could still dtd). The clinic were really good and explained everything. I could see what was happening on a screen, my ovaries, follicles, Fallopian tubes etc. It looked like an ultrasound would. I found it really interesting but after we left my husband (who had been nodding enthusiastically the whole time said) "I couldn't see anything apart from grey, I had no idea what you were all talking about" - It was a bit of light relief! Poor soul! x

BabyHope profile image
BabyHope in reply to Hopeful1982

Hey Hopeful1982,

Nice to see your reply. In my case my Hubby would react in the same way Lol

I am so excited for this test, specially I will come to know the reason why we are not able to

get pregnant after TTC 2.5 years

Would you mind me asking you the results from the test ? When did you your test ? Have they

provided any treatment after that ?

Hopeful1982 profile image
Hopeful1982 in reply to BabyHope

My results were fine. There were no blockages. In so many ways this was a huge relief. On the other hand it's frustrating that we don't know why we can't conceive. We were advised to keep trying for 6-8 months (that was 7 months ago and still no luck). We did our tests privately. We have our first NHS appointment in January. We've been trying to conceive for about 20 months.

When is your appointment?

BabyHope profile image
BabyHope in reply to Hopeful1982

Hi Hopeful1982,

It's a good thing that you don't have any blockages but at the same time it's bit frustrating not to know the reason behind why you are not getting pregnant. But keep your chin up and everything would be fine :-)

My first appointment was on 10th Dec after TTC for 2.5 years and next appointment is on 10th April :-( . This waiting time is killing me. Consultant has asked for one more 21st day test ( I have already done 2 tests) and HSG test ( next Wednesday ). She said if my tubes are blocked I will be put on IVF waiting list.

BabyHope profile image

Hey Jess,

Good to know you have now solid reason why you are not conceiving. When I booked an

appointment for my HSG test, clinic didn't ask for any particular day. She just booked

it straightaway. Hope your treatment is going well in private clinic and bit faster too. :)

I will be so relieved to know the reason after TTC 2.5 years. My Consultant has given me

second appointment on 10th April (A long way to go :( ) but if she finds something wrong

in HSG test, will straightaway put me for IVF treatment.

I am sending loads of baby dust on your way. Good Luck :)

Hi PM27,

Thanks for your reply. Awwww that's nice to hear that your tubes were fine. I am hoping

my test goes well too. So did consultant start with Clomid in your case/ or any other

treatment? I can't wait to see my BFP :) but being too impatient at the moment.

Load of baby dust for you :)

Hi Faith_87,

Awwwww Loads of hugs for you. Sorry to hear that the lady was so harsh with you. In this situation

all you need is love and support at least from your clinic, consultants. So did you have to repeat the

test ? What was the result? And have you started with any treatment after that ?

Sorry for too many questions but would be great to hear back from you. Sending loads of baby dust

on your way :)

Hey Hopeful1982,

Nice to see your reply. In my case my Hubby would react in the same way Lol

I am so excited for this test, specially I will come to know the reason why we are not able to

get pregnant after TTC 2.5 years :(

Would you mind me asking you the results from the test ? When did you your test ? Have they

provided any treatment after that ?

pm27 profile image
pm27 in reply to BabyHope

My tests were all fine, but showed problems with hubby's swimmers so we started ICSI in September. They got 13 eggs from me but only 2 viable embryos which were implanted in October, unfortunately I'm not pregnant.

We plan to have a second cycle next year, this time on the short protocol.

Hope your tests go ok.

Thank you babyhope :) even if the consultant does not find any blocks you will have increased chances of a pregnancy following an hsg.. It's still a win ;) My ex nurse told me that she could almost write a book on the amount of women who fell pregnant after hsg.. Not trying to get your hopes up too much but for some woman it does.. I think it's coz it clears the pipes so to speak ;) unfortunately I didn't as I had a thyroid imbalance which I didn't know about.. I got my results straightaway and the consultant performing the hsg told me I was normal !!! if you find yours to he normal too I would get very busy baby making ;) till April coz there is nowt to lose.. ;) I'm using clear blue dual hormone ovulation tests till my clinic have matched me up coz there is nowt to lose now ;) I heard today from my clinic and it sounds like my ivf will start early next year :) it's not nice not having an explanation for it I really hope you get your reason soon unexplained is the worst diagnosis ever.. This fertility stuff can take so long it drives you mad!!! All I wanted was a reason and a solution.. I hope you have a lovely Christmas..And I'm sure 2015 will be a much better year keeping everything crossed for you X

BabyHope profile image
BabyHope in reply to

Hi Jess,

That's great that you heard back from your clinic, :-). I am sure it must have given you positive energy. I hope all goes well and faster for you. xxx

Also it's great to hear that after HSG chances of getting pregnant increases. I am hoping mine goes well too. I am so excited because next Wednesday I will have some solid reason to try something new in this journey.

I really hope 2015 would be a great year for you , me and all ladies who are trying to get pregnant :-)

KeeKee21 profile image

Hi, you read lots of scary stuff on the internet. I took ibuprofen and paracetamol an hour before I went In. The only painful part for me is when they put the dye in. But honestly it's like a sharp period pain, and by the time they tell you to

Count to 10, it's over with. They then show you your results. My tubes were clear, but I was diagnosed with a septate uterus (which shouldn't stop me from having babies). Go in with an open mind. It literally takes 10mins. They will also tell you it will increase your natural chances of conceiving by 10% for 3 months. Good luck to you both!x

BabyHope profile image
BabyHope in reply to KeeKee21

Hey Keelie21,

Thanks for sharing your experience. When was your HSG test ?

KeeKee21 profile image
KeeKee21 in reply to BabyHope

I had it done in October this year.

BabyHope profile image
BabyHope in reply to KeeKee21

Thanks for your reply Keelie21 :-)

Would you mind if I ask you, did it work for you ? Are you undergoing any treatment ? When is your second appointment with consultant ?

KeeKee21 profile image
KeeKee21 in reply to BabyHope

Hi baby hope,

It didn't work for me after the HSG, but just had my first round of clomid, and I actually ovulated. So it's wait and see if my period comes within the next 2 weeks! I will continue with clomid (max 6 months). My next consultant follow up is 2-3 months time. But I've already seen them a few times throughout the process.x

Kernishp profile image

Can I also just add that you might want to clear your schedule for the rest of the day that you have the HSG and maybe for a few days after, as the results can be quite a lot to deal with, especially if they're not what you were hoping for, the less pressure you put yourself under the better. Good luck and I hope it goes well. Xxx

BabyHope profile image
BabyHope in reply to Kernishp

Hi Kernishp,

Thanks for your reply. :-)

Really it means a lot if there is someone to support you and answer your question. Thanks again.

BabyHope profile image

Hi Lovely Ladies,

I am excited for my HSG test and nervous too. Its tomorrow morning. Hopefully I will find out the reason why we are not able to get pregnant.

Sending baby dust to all of you :-)

Good luck let us know how you get on xxxx

BabyHope profile image

I just had an HSG this morning . The anticipation was more painful than the actual experience. It was bit uncomfortable though like sharp period pains. My results came back normal but doctor found very small growth inside ( he said this can't be a problem at all) but still will wait what my consultant thinks about this test results. The whole thing took 15 - 20 mins. I had cramping after test for an hour or so and have very little bleeding.

Glad it went ok.. You will need to rest up for a day or so take it easy Hun.. I felt a bit tired afterwards..Do let me know how your appointment goes with your consultant hope it goes well.. And happy Christmas xxxx

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