Morning all, looking for some advice - I am currently religiously taking the Pregnacare supplements but I see a number of people taking DHEA or COQ10- are they different from Pregnacare or can they be taken along with it? Willing to try anything for this second cycle!!!
DHEA?: Morning all, looking for some... - Fertility Network UK

Hi lorraineb61. I always feel that if you want to try DHEA to speak to your specialist first, as it is similar to steroid treatment. I have known it to increase chances with ladies in their 40's who have had failed cycles, but it wasn't actually proven to be the DHEA that improved their chances. I would see what your specialist has to say. Good luck with whatever you do decide. Diane
OK, thanks Diane - I knew there were issues with it & a number of people had ordered it from America. I have follow up appointment next week so will ask then.
Hey Im 39, my AMH was 7.19 when it was done around a year ago. I had a terrible first round, all of our embryos died. When we were first referred for IVF it was due to my hubby having a low sperm countl However after such a failure (you can read back my previous posts) I was told it was probably my egg quality due to my age etc. So next round the only changes were that I took DHEA, aspirin and had acupuncture. I asked the clinic before I took it they werent fussed either way, the embryologist said that it would do no harm and he'd seen a good improvement with another patient that took it and the consultant said there wasnt enough clinical evidence but if I wanted to then fine. Took 3x25mg per day. In my second cycle all of our eggs fertilised and on day 5 we had 2 tranferred (these were in between morula and blast stage), none good enough to freeze unfortunately. Sadly didnt get a BFP. On our review appt the consultant said that the difference between the 2 cycles was "astounding" and asked what I did differently. I said DHEA and she said that looking at my two cycles, had she not known would have though they were two different patients and advised me to go back on DHEA for cycle 3 which Ive just started. Obviously cant say for sure whether it was the DHEA or just luck but I genuinely feel it improved quality for me and suspect the consultant feels this seein as she told me to get back on it for this one! Will see what this round brings. Always best to check with your consultant if they are happy for your to take it. Mine wasnt so happy about the COQ10 so I stayed away from that!xx
I was advised DHEA due to my age (over 40) as I was trying to use my own eggs. I did get the best result ever with a BFP which sadly turned into a M/C. I do believe these worked and my consultant at the clinic recommended them. I bought them online.
If I were trying again I would def not hestitate to take them, maybe ask your clinic for their advice however.
Best wishes xx
Interesting - did you have to use it for a specific time before your cycle? We are keen to get started asap on cycle no 2. Sorry to hear about your m/c. xx
Hi, just thought Id jump in here. They usually recommend taking it for 3 months before, as eggs take 3 months to develop. There are one or two side effects like greasy skin, spots, hair thinning and sometimes facial I havent grown a beard yet! Ha ha ha xx
As Cinderella said, I think I took them for around 3 months prior. This was not the clinics decision but I'd read somewhere that it takes that long to prepare your body or something. I don't know whether that's true or not, as I say, my clinic didn't give a timescale on taking them, but just recommended them. Despite the M/C if I was younger I'd def take them again.
I didn't get any side affects or anything from taking them. If anything it was just like taking additional Pregnacare.
Oh yes, absolutely. I was on vitamin D tablets, the standard Pregnacare tablet and the DHEA. I actually felt better on them all. Maybe that was psychological but it did work for me (briefly that time). I remember thinking all these tablets started to add up financially but if we're paying so much for treatment we'd do anything to make it work.
I have an unopened packet of DHEA 25mg Swanson Tablets - 120 capsules if you want them for free. They have an expiry date of 06/15 on them (as I guess that gives you an idea of when my last own attempt was) . My consultant said if I was going to have another go using my own eggs they would be fine... hence me hanging onto them. I think we're stuck on the DE journey and due to my age I won't be trying with my eggs again. I'm too ancient. If you want them whilst you are waiting for your other ones to come through from the US or wherever you have ordered them from just message me. It's up to you. You may not want to go with anything that is past it's date and I completely understand that. I just remember I couldn't get hold of them in the UK anywhere and wanted them immediately but it seemed to take forever to get them. x
Actually, they are quite reasonably priced. Not sure where they are coming from but personally I remember using this site.
Coq10 is a different supplement again. You need to make sure you get the correct form, ubiquinol is the one that's more easily absorbed I think but that's from memory, do check! It's less scary than DHEA as you can just get it in normal shops or online from this country. It's marketed as being for healthy hearts but I've been taking it because it's supposed to help with healthy eggs too.