My periods have always been like clock work. But since taking pregnacare in January they’ve been late and messed up ! I’ve just found reviews online from women that have also experienced this ! Has anyone else had a problem with pregnacare?
Delayed periods due to pregnacare - Fertility Network UK
Delayed periods due to pregnacare

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Never had any problems and I've been taking them pretty much constantly since 2014. Switched to pregnancy ones during pregnancy and then breadtfeeding support ones once my baby arrived (though I think they only vary a little).
If you're worried, you could just take a more simple supplement, something that contains folic acid, vitamin d and vitamin c seems to be standard. Will probably be loads cheaper too!
Best of luck. Hope you find something that works for you.
Thank you, I think il switch to Severn seas you wouldn’t think a vitamin would affect your cycle but mine hasn’t been right at all since I started taking them, then I found lots of women online with the same thing, who knows xxx
Odd. I never had any issues while taking them 🤷🏻♀️ xx
Yes!! They made me incredibly sick. When I told my nutritionist she was not surprised. She said that they are not made of the best quality ingredients. I switched to the Antenatal ones from Biocare and was absolutely fine. No problems at all. X
Did they make your periods delayed too ? I feel so tearful I was mean to start stims last week! Now I’m late and literally no period except for a little bit of black spotting yesterday! Really freaked me out ! I’m definitely not taking them again xx
No I didn’t get that far. I had an instant bad reaction to them. Only lasted about 2 weeks but they made me so unwell I had to stop taking them. If you are suspicious that you are not reacting well to them, then I would stop taking them. So sorry that you are tearful. It’s so rubbish that half the time we don’t want our periods, then when we really need them they decide not to show up! Hoping it will show up very soon xx
Hi I had the same with seven seas (not pregnacare).. everyone told me vitamins couldn’t impact a cycle that much but they changed all my PMS symptoms and made my cycle loads longer ... then I went back to pregnacare (ironically) and it all went back to normal!! I think sometimes things just don’t work for people so def change xx

I think I’m the same but with pregnacare. Just did a wee search on here to see if anyone else was the same. I’m unsure if it’s pregnacare or my failed cycle. I was due on Wednesday and it’s still not arrived. Hope you are doing ok my darling. I think of you often. Xxxx
It’s quite unlikely that vitamins could affect your cycles but I guess we can’t rule it out. I’m currently during my 2WW and taking Pregnacare on my clinic’s advise as apparently this is the safest choice according to them. Having said that, this isn’t the best product as the vitamins are synthetic and not food based and might not be easily absorbed. Try to find a good food based prenatal supplement and see if that makes any difference. X
Personally I had no problems taking pregncare the only thing that messed up my cycles was my endometriosis. I didn’t think vitamins could cause cycle issues. Perhaps ask your specialist. Good luck with everything xoxo
The only thing ive found has affected my period was evening primrose oil i took it for two months my period pain and fatigue improved but as it seemed to affect my cycle length i chose not to take it this month
I had the same problem with pregnacare.. it made my cycles longer and i just freaked out .. always had my period arriving clockwise but as soon as i started using this not only my period began to arrive late also i started having irregular spotting .. moreover, on the pack it says if it makes ur cycles longer that doesnt necessarily mean you are pregnant and consult your doctor .. seeing this i immediately stopped using it and i am back on daily folic acid tablets
I've just stopped taking them today after being on them for less than 2 weeks. They've completely messed up my cycle so hoping my period arrives soon. It's the only thing I've done differently this month and my cycles have always been regular. I feel really frustrated because I was waiting to do my blood test for fertility check and now means we will have to reschedule our consultation as results won't be ready on time as everything was based on cycle starting like normal. I also saw a lot of reviews on a selling website saying other women have experienced the same problem
Yes i have experienced a delayed period. My periods usually arrive like clockwork, but after just over 2 weeks of taking Pregnacare I'm currently 4 days late. I did 2 pregnancy tests and both negative. It's frustrating because part of me thought i might be pregnant. Very disappointing, I just hope it's not too long before my period arrives.
That so frustrating. Are your period back now?
Yes they are back to normal now I have stopped taking the Pregnacare.
Hi, I had the same, took the tablets for two weeks then stopped when I was getting a very long track of 'high fertility' days and no 'peak'. Been regular periods always and now 5 days late and two negative test results even though have symptoms of pregnancy such a sickness, tiredness etc (have one baby already and had hyperemisis). Did your cycle return to normal by the following month? Thanks so much...
It's such a pain! Yes my cycle returned to normal to the following month. Fingers crossed for a positive test. Have you tried a test from a different packet? My friend recently experienced the same and eventually got a positive some days later.
How long did it take for them to come back to normal? They’ve really messed up my cycle!
My cycle returned to normal the following month. I stopped taking them when my period came late. Do you use an ovulation test kit? It will make sure you dont miss your ovulation with your cycle having changed x
This is so frustrating I am the same was fine on Holland and Barratt folic acid and vit d combo. Started these 3 weeks ago now I'm 8days late had cramping but nothing defo not pregnant done tests. How long did it take your period to come back after stopping them please if u don't mind me asking.
I know this is “late” to the chat but I’m have the same problem. How late was it in the end?I only took two weeks also and just stopped because I need my period asap
Hi Claire_dun
I had the same problem, I was 3 days and 5 days late (2 cycles before stopping) but also had really bad mid cycle pain with pregnacare. I was fine on seven seas. I have read somewhere that it's the high levels of b6 which cause the delayed periods. I made sure the new brand has none or very little and much cycles were back to normal the next month.
Pregnacare had caused so many problems for so many women (perhaps the % is low though). Never ever again
Yeah same thing happened to me and I’m just about to cry as it’s more then now 20 days I’m
Not having my period 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Is it 20 days after you stopped take it? Did it come back to normal after that?
Having the same issue 😔😔
Yes me too. I never had an issue with my son. In fact pregnacare regulated my cycle, but 3 years on ttc baby no 2 and my cycle is longer than ever. It’s so heartbreaking as I kept thinking I was pregnant. Anyone tried the seven seas prenatals?
Hi lizzie
I started using seven seas many months ago- no problem 28 days cycle as normal. At an NHS IVF consultation they told me to use pregnacare so I switched. Since using them my first cycle was 30 days, second was 30 and this one is now going on 34.... I have stopped now as i had perfect cycles before.
They must affect different people in different ways but as I say seven seas was fine for me
I had this problem too with pregnacare. I was always 28/29 day cycle once I started these it was a week late with spotting on occasion too giving me false hope. I think folic acid on its own might be better until conceiving
A quick update following my comment above, I did stop taking pregnacare last month so this cycle was a full month off of it... as expected I am back to 28 days.I done quite a bit of research and take another supplement now called 'BUD Fertilty' which is more expensive but does have better quality ingredients, including folate (not the synthetic folic acid) and higher dose vitamin D. Have no problems with this one at all
Hi, how late was you when you took pregnacare conception? I started taking them 4 days before due date and now I’m 3 days late which is very unusual 😔
Hello, After taking 19 tablets my period is about 3 month late what to do now ?help please