Yesterday I was so positive for my FET. First ever hatching embryo I've had, a 5BA. It survived the thaw and I felt ecstatic! Went to sleep for the afternoon but woke feeling utterly depressed and I haven't been able to shake that feeling off today. In fact it's worsened and I can't seem to stop crying. Being my fourth transfer in the last year I now recognise the difference between a bfp symptoms and a BFN. I already feel like this is another BFN coming on. After this embryo I've only a day 6 bb left. I'm all out of cycles having completed three in the last year. I just don't know how to cope anymore. I'll be 40 in December and I feel like my time has now truly run out. 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭
FET 1dp5dt....already feeling defeated - Fertility Network UK
FET 1dp5dt....already feeling defeated

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Hi Jesse, sorry to hear you are feeling so down. Wishing you all the luck in the world for you OTD. Hope you have someone at home to talk to xx
From what I’ve read from people, symptoms vary. Also,it’s not always the top grades that go on to be successful. Please don’t give up hope! We’re all here to support you x 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
Im really sorry you are feeling like that. I kniw you had a lot of experience but still, every pregnancy is different. After one day even your body doesnt know yet it is pregnant i dont think... Maybe the signs are the onsr of the successful pregnancy not just bfp? Could that be different to just bfp but unsuccessful pregnancy?
Try to stay positive, easier said than done, for you and for the little one. 💚💚💚
Try and stay positive jessy, you have a really good embryo inside you 😃 xxxx
I felt like this after my 4th transfer last month - zero symptoms - even sent some enquiries off to a couple of clinics thinking I’d try and scrape the money together for a 5th and final cycle
Somewhere new ......I’m now nearly 10 weeks with twins 🤣
Lack of symptoms really doesn’t meant anything - I still feel “normal” other than having a noticeable bump already x
I'm scared because I've had no cramping or sore boobs this time. Think my mmc still haunts me tbh followed by a failed cycle in March. I literally feel nothing other than very bloated and depressed.
Congratulations on your pregnancy xx
By the way I transferred a 5BA and also a day 6 4BB so exactly the same as yours and both have stuck so don’t lose hope x
Thank you 😘. My day 6 is still in the freezer. Did you have any twinges or symptoms at all with your bfp? X
Absolutely nothing - i had so many sleepless nights googling how many people had a BFP after zero symptoms. But had to stop as the comments made me so angry as most of the time people would write “I had zero symptoms ....except for“.....and then go on to list guess what half a dozen bloody symptoms 🤣
These are my previous transfers
FET1 - floaty dizzy feeling, threw up once - BFN
FET2 - no symptoms - BFP but ended in ruptured ectopic
FET3 - no symptoms - BFN
FET4 - no symptoms- BFP twins
I think I’m just one of those (annoying) people who doesn’t get pregnancy symptoms? The same happened with my daughter a few years before starting IVF - my only full term pregnancy so far out of 8 (not counting this current one) - no symptoms so went on a drinking bender and rode lots of crazy rides at a theme park (not at the same time obviously 🤢 ) and then got a BFP. Had no symptoms the entire pregnancy
Are you on crinone? It can make you feel down. It’s totally normal to have the fear because we all know the pain that comes if we believe in anything good 😔 you maybe need some extra sleep. I wish I could say something to make you feel better but I can’t .
One thing my counsellor told me was to acknowledge hard feelings like a rain cloud , and let it float away without letting it ruin all things. Acknowledge the pain but try to let it go.
You’ve done everything you can.
You are here.
You are ok.
Hugs of understanding sweet one 😘💖💐
🦏 🐈
Try to stay positive and if you can't stay positive try to keep yourself distracted. Walks, films, books, podcasts, yoga. Anything and everything. Worry about what's next after your OTD. Wishing you all the luck that this is your cycle. xxx
Hi Jessy,
I’m sorry you’re feeling so down, I know you’ve been through a lot in the last year so it’s completely understandable to feel the way you are ❤️
I had my fourth transfer in January and like you I’d had a BFP before that didn’t work out so I thought I knew how to tell the difference. I had a full on meltdown at 4dp because I was convinced it was all over but I was wrong because that one stuck. Don’t count yourself out yet, it’s not over for you yet. Symptoms or no symptoms, honestly it doesn’t mean anything. Try and keep busy, don’t be too hard on yourself and I’m keeping everything crossed for you 🤞🏻😘 xx
Thank you. It's just all so overwhelming and scary. This is my best ever embryo from cycle 1. All this time held so much hope. The Dr who did my transfer told me she was very confident and it looked good but I just don't feel a thing. I feel like this nightmare will never end. Thanks for your kind words.
Massive congratulations!! Xx
Thank you 🥰
It really is overwhelming and I think I really struggled with it being my fourth transfer and I completely thought I’d sussed the difference between my BFP and BFN cycles as well so when I felt nothing, I thought it was all over. I got an early BFP the day after my meltdown as well so honestly the symptoms/no symptoms doesn’t mean anything. Who’s knows what going on in there but there is nothing to say this won’t be the one for you!xx
Hi Jessy, I'm sorry you're feeling so low. I just wanted to send you a big hug as its the worse feeling in the world. I have everything crossed for your bfp. I'm 2dp5dt and already on that emotional rollercoaster. This is my first FET after fresh cycle and not feeling anything. It's so hard! Try to stay busy, read a book, binge watch a good show. I know I'm trying my hardest too. Best of luck 🤞😘
Omg hun reading your post make me feels like my own.
In last year I went through 3 and now 4th cycle. Lost 4 embryos and feels like I lost this one last embryo.
My OTD is 2morrow but I just got feeling is over ...I’m out.
I’m gonna be 40 in November and I just don’t know what should I do next... xx
But don’t give up yet hun I’m wishing u massive BFP🙏
Hey Jessy, just wanted to send you some love and hugs! I think its only natural to feel that way you do after the losses and failed cycles under your belt....its not far off from the way I feel doing another cycle! Good luck.xx
Hi Jessy. Sorry to hear you’re feeling down at the moment. I think all the drugs really affect your emotions as well as the general torment that is the two week wait! Try to hang in there and be kind to yourself. Keeping everything crossed for you and sending big hugs. xxx
You can't know after only one day - your little embie might not have even implanted yet! Try to do some nice things to distract yourself, this is the worst bit but you have an excellent chance of good news soon! Take care xx
Hi jessy, sorry to hear your feeling like this but please don’t. I had a transfer on the 19th June, had no symptoms etc and now I’m 9 weeks pregnant, I have only had tiredness and not wanting to eat for the last two weeks but before then I had nothing. I also had a big bleed and thought that it had gone, but have a good strong heart beat on baby g so please stay strong. Xx
Thank you for all the now 3dpt5dt and still nothing. If I'm honest I'm complete meltdown now. 😭 X
Hi Jessy, so sorry you are feeling this way and I completely understand how you feel, I had so many this appointment even when I thought everything is going well that I'm even scared to be hopeful.
What can we do, this is life and we want to have baby and unfortunately its not easy for us...
Today is day 3 after my frozen embryo transfer, with whole my heart i'm wishing for this little one to grow and make me mummy.
All I want to say is, you are not alone with this feeling, I'm wishing you best of luck and I'm sending you a big hug. xx