What should I make of this? Has anyon... - Fertility Network UK

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What should I make of this? Has anyone got pregnant with similar issues? Worried/anxious/ will I ever have my own baby.letter from Doc.

10 Replies

underwent a hysteroscopy and a laparoscopy. The hysteroscopy showed multiple polyps and irregular endometrial cavity with adhesions. The polyps were curetted and sent to histology. To prevent future adhesions, I left a mirena coil insitu. This will be removed in the future. The laparoscopy showed pouch of douglas, endometriosis and right ovarian cyst of 5x5cm and the left ovarian cyst and right para-tubal cyst. The endometriosis was diarthermised and the cyst was excised and sent to histology. The dye test was past but unfortunately there was no dye spill from either of the tubes. Could not explain the anomaly as the tubes looked normal. It maybe that there was a spasm after the hysteroscopy. I am going to review them within 2-3 weeks to discuss the way forward.

This is a letter from the consultant. What should I make of this. He has said I should try naturally for 3/6 months, whilst starting the process for IVF.

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10 Replies
emmab178 profile image

If dye couldn't pass through the tubes how is an egg supposed to? Trying naturally seems an odd thing to advise. Surely it's go straight to ivf?

If you qualify for ccg nhs funding start the ivf process as soon as possible as it can take months to come through. I was referred in June, had first fertility appointment in September and first ivf appointment January with treatment starting in Feb but it does vary on your location x

in reply to emmab178

The waiting lists here are an absolute joke. They really are. We are hoping that as it's a tubal blockage it may put us firmly on the list.

I am confused by your consultant advice- I thought if dye couldn't get through both tubes and gynae couldn't fix the tubes then IVF in terms of having a baby would be your best option.

Obviously he is medical and I am not so we must assume he knows what he is doing-if he thinks trying is an option -must trust his medical opinion-maybe your tubes are ok.

I'm sure all will be much clearer when you have your review appointment with him. Sometimes the consultant needs more time to think and decide the way forward. Perhaps he'll book you in for further tubal assessment.

I' know I trust my consultant to know he knows what's best for us-I know he's doing all he can for us to have our baby. It's so important for us to put our faith in these experts.

Maybe DianeArnold could shed some light on this matter?

I do wish you the best and I hope you get some answers soon and the 2-3 week wait dosent drag too much. Such a waiting game isn't it? We spend so much time waiting-always waiting for something! X

in reply to

He said it's because they may be shut due to a spasm as he was carrying out the surgery. They might have appeared to be blocked but in actual are not and are open. I've heard of cases where this has happened.

I bet that is possible Hun. I'm sure if he thought it was blocked he would've tried to fix it (if possible). He might put you in an IVF waiting list when you next see him-and encourage you both to try-nothing to lose once you are on that list. He might also want to look at the tubes again. I'm sure he knows what he's doing and will do what is best for you both. I think the waiting around makes it hard-I know my mind goes over time when I'm waiting around. Really hope your appointment goes well and you feel positive and full of hope (that's how I feel after seeing our consultant-I'm so negative and he has a way of making me feel calmer and positive about the next steps) Every step we take is a step closer towards having a baby. X

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Thank you. I'm also quite negative. Something in my tells me, no it won't happen, you don't deserve to be happy. I am sure he will help to elliviate my worries. It's just come as a shock to me. I always thought it was the fact that I was overweight. But as soon as I lost weight I just knew it couldn't be right. In pain but feeling more positive.

in reply to

I know I'm the same. I think this whole situation turns us like this- I was never like this before. My husband is so positive about things- I was already to cancel our appointment with our consultant last month- I was convinced he couldn't help us- we cant get NHS funding for IVF. However my consultant suggested further investigations. I've been for a laparoscopy and dye, ovarian drilling,and is checking for endometrosis and removing it found. I'm so glad my husband made me go to the appointment..

Well done you on the weight loss that's not easy!

We do know when somethings not right with our bodies. I'm sure your gut feeling something not being ok is right-I'm sure it has a solution to it too. I've been suffering terrible pain on my lower left side since my 4th round of clomid failed- which is over 4 months ago. I know somethings not right- at least my consultant is taking it seriously ( my GP has been less helpful ) I think we do know when somethings not quite ok..

Do let me know how your appointment goes. x

Coracle profile image

Hello, just to confess straight up that I am a GP as well as IVF survivor!

Firstly, sorry to hear what you are going through and that you were sent a letter rather than having a consultation.

I also recently had a hysteroscopy, and we thought I might need a similar proceedure as yourself (ie curretting fibroids and adhesions, then leaving a mirena in place). In the end, I was fortunate, and only a small adhesion was removed so no need for the mirena. Adhesions are like sticky tape or bands, that can stretch across the womb cavity, and take up space on the surface of the cavity.. so can decrease your chances for implantation. If they do a lot of curretting or adhesion removal like in your case, then they leave the mirena in (which is coated in progesterone hormone) to stop everything sticking back together and forming scar tissue or adhesions again. I think it has to be in place for a few months, but I am not sure how long exactly.

The comments on your tubes are basically inconclusive. They looked normal to the consultant and as if they should be ok, but no dye got through, which is either a blockage presumably due to your endometriosis (I have this) or like he said, a temporary problem with spasm.. which is more hopeful.

There is absolutely no point in trying to get pregnant while you have the mirena, it is an extremely effective contraceptive.

I think the main thing here (sorry, just noticed) is phew, he plans to see you pretty soon to explain everything (2-3weeks) and I think the plan is get you on the waiting list for ivf, but try naturally while waiting.. but after the mirena is removed! Until mirena is removed, sex is for recreational purposes only! If you can, have a break, try relax and enjoy life and be hopeful for the future.. I do know how hard that is though. xxx

love Coracle

ttc since finding mr right late and over 40! 4x failed embryo transfers with own eggs/embryos, 3x fresh, 1xfet. Now just starting first DE cycle.

in reply to Coracle

Thank you so much Coracle. I'm going to try and take it one step at a time. I have been signed off work for two weeks. I will be using the time to relax, recollect and convalesce. I'm sorry that any of us have to go through this.

My mother told me today, " everyone has their own journey and this is yours". Just need to remain hopeful and positive.

Thank you so so much for clearing up any confusion about the tubes. Xxx

Coracle profile image
Coracle in reply to

You know, thinking about the idea of 'our journey' has been so helpful to my husband and me during ttc. We don't get focussed on 'succeeding' but that 'this is our journey'.. 'this is just one part of the journey', and that if ivf doesn't work for us, then we will see what is next... eg adoption/accepting having no children. Big hugs.

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