I had my repeat scan that confirmed a silent miscarriage today. I should have expected it and whilst I guess I knew it was coming, there was also a part of me that was hopeful because my pregnancy symptoms had gotten stronger. That’s due to my body believing I’m still pregnant and the sac growing but nothing else is 💔.
This is our fourth miscarriage, second consecutive and tbh, I’m not sure I have it in me to continue trying for a sibling for our miracle twins. Our journey to bring them home was so tough and all of this is resurfacing all of that pain and heartache all over again.
I have a choice in how to manage this miscarriage and I think I’m going to opt for the surgical route as I can’t bear another physical miscarriage nor can I bear to wait around for a bleed to happen 😢.
This utterly sucks. So much love to anyone in the trenches of TTC because it is not easy at all. Xx