Soooo as some of you will know I haven't had the easiest week. I've been on gonal f since the 3/3 (225 dose) and I wasn't expecting any issues however the initial scan told me otherwise! I was also dealing with an awful sickness bug so all in all have been thoroughly miserable.
At my initial scan I was told I only had a few follies and they were on the small side so they decided to wait a couple of days and give me an extra scan. The 2nd scan said there were only 6 measurable and they were much smaller than expected as well (cue meltdown from me!)...anyway they upped my dose to 300 on Friday and told me to take a shot today as well (last should have been yesterday)....and the result on my scan this morning was..............
9 large follies!! (Largest is 23mm) I still have two days to grow so they think they'll be another 2-3 that'll make the mark too π So that's an increase from 6-9 (possibly 12) over the weekend.
Just letting all you ladies know incase you find yourself in the same position...anything can happen in a short space of time!
Egg collection booked for weds...bring it on!