Hey ladies hope you are all keeping well ❤
Well just had my first blood test and follicle scan with "wanda" 🤣 so far there is 9 follies we could see and a couple of them are slow starters. Just a bit deflated as my first round there were more on my first scan, and I know every round is different but I was hoping for the same if not more. We got 15 eggs first round.....if we only get 9 this time...well it could be worse. Doc did say it's early days which it is. And this time round i have been eating much healthier, walking more and have been taking coq10 for 3 months...go figure! But I guess I'm after quality anyways as we only had 1 good embryo last round out of 11 fertilised so fingers crossed for at least better quality! 😁 xx