It's Wednesday mid day and I've had an almost constant headache since Monday night. Today marks day 14 of Buserelin 💉 Paracetamol aren't helping and even cocodamol isn't much more effective. How can I get rid of it? 🤕
Buserelin headache : It's Wednesday mid... - Fertility Network UK
Buserelin headache

When I had to D/R for Long protocol on a fresh cycle I got headaches and the only thing that helped was drinking lots and lots of water - hopefully this may help.
Fingers crossed you'll start to feel better soon xx

Hi Tugsgirl. So sorry you are suffering so much. The drug Buserelin works on the pituitary gland in the brain, and sometimes causes persistent headache. Try drinking plenty of water as "Goodthingscome" says, and if no joy, you need to see your GP - especially if you should get a migraine or visual disturbances. Hope all soon settles down. Diane
I did yesterday. He sent me to A and E. They did a thorough examination of my eyes because my left eye became bloodshot. Wanted to prescribe me antibiotics and steroid drops but I wanted to hold off because I was worried about it affecting treatment. They want me to go back to hospital Friday morning
Aw Tugsgirl, I'm waiting for mine to kick in properly, they're awful. I don't think there is anything you can take other than paracetamol and plenty of water. I hope they ease off soon for you, not long to go now x x x
Thank you Mommabear. I thought I might get mild headaches that paracetamol would ease but no such luck! Losing money being off work too. The things we put our bodies through! Good luck to you xx
Oh bless you, mine were bad but manageable, yours sounds horrendous. Just keep yourself rested the best you can. Try a hot bath to take your mind off it and I've heard massaging your big toe can alleviate headaches... worth a try! Good luck for EC, let us know how you get on x x x
Lots and lots of water!! Hope your head feels better soon xxxx
Hey Hun, when I was down regging I would get headaches too, and I found that the "forehead" sticks really helped with he pressure feeling. You rub it into your temples. Hope that helps Hun xx
I'm currently on day 15 of buserel in injections. I have had headaches since day 5. Paracetamol and drinking wasn't helping. Started on 4 head sticks and they helped but still have never got rid of them.
I've always suffered from tension headaches and the forehead stick has never been strong enough to help. I always found that two paracetamol and one ibuprofen worked but of course I can't take ibuprofen at the moment.. Two paracetamol didn't even touch it yesterday and neither had the two cocodamols I'd taken first thing in the morning..
I'm pleased to say my head has been much improved today; although kinda "woolly" feeling.. and I'm sure it probably won't be the last headache while I'm doing these injections but I'm just so grateful it's eased up for now. Thanks everyone xx