New and scared in Aberdeen: Hi everyone... - Fertility Network UK

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New and scared in Aberdeen

Maikai profile image
9 Replies

Hi everyone I'm in Aberdeen and am just back from my consultation. FHS blood test scheduled for Tuesday and provisional Egg collection date for first week of April. Had a look through some of this page and have no idea what all the acronyms mean. 2ww? FET? Help... also terrified this won't work - am 37 and have been trying for 4 years with no success. Problem lies with my other halfs swimmers not being pro active enough :-( poor things! I have been told I have good scans and have 19 follicles which I'm led to believe is good. Just looking for someone to talk to. Have no family to talk to about it so feeling a little isolated. Thanks so much for any/all help.

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Maikai profile image
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9 Replies

Took me a while to understand the abbreviations! Search this page for 'abbreviations' and you'll see a post with them all. Just screen shot them.

Are you at Aberdeen hospital? I'm Dundee. I started using this site a lot early on but really struggled reading the bad news, it got me down. I managed to find two girls at the same stage as me and we messaged each other privately. This developed into whatsapp messages and they have been the biggest support ever so I'd say look for people at the same stage and follow them and talk to them

We're all going through our second or third try now. My first attempt I had a positive (BFP) but had an early miscarriage. I then had a Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) and I'm 7 weeks pregnant with my first scan Tuesday 🤞

Keep positive but realistic. The first time I put down to a trial and the second time I did Accupunture which I swear made a difference. Docs also kept me on meds and I'll stay on them until I'm 12 weeks which we didn't do first time.

Good luck 🍀

CheshireKit profile image

Welcome! This group has been a great resource of info and support for me as we've been going through our treatment especially as only people in our situation can really understand the frustrations and emotions of fertility issues.

We've been trying to conceive (ttc) for 5 years and we're on our second cycle of ivf now which will prob be our last due to my age (43 1/2!). This time I'm trying to keep positive but not over-obsess about whether I'm doing the right things all the time as it can drive you (and your partner) mad! Avoid googling symptoms & advice!

I've been doing acupuncture as this is meant to be helpful and am eating healthily (lots of fruit, veg and protein) plus lots of water and I've cut out caffeine and alcohol. Other than that I reckon it's in the lap of the gods so best not to worry.

Wishing you all the best with your journey. Keep us posted and remember there's always a friendly ear if you need advice, support or just want a rant!

Best wishes 🍀 Xx

vic77 profile image

Welcome..this is a great place for support and question is daft. There is a wee link on right hand side of page that explains all abbreviations and I needed this too and once you go through your cycle it will all become clearer. I think there are also some good books out there that explain Ivf I so,stiles wish we had researched a bit more what was nailed but then ignorance is bliss I guess although our first cycle was unsuccessful. April is not far so very exciting for you both..wishing you lots of luck xxx

katya38 profile image

Hi there. You ll get lots of support from this group its amazing. I'd agree with others try and find people who are going through the same stage as you.

if problem is with partners sperm then I imagine you'd go for icsi which is more likely to be successful. Good luck xx

Blueyes1 profile image

Hey Maikai,

Im in Aberdeen as well. Im scheduled for egg collection on Friday 😀

We have been trying for 4 years and have had 2 miscarriages around the 4 week mark.

The problem is with me. I have a low follicle count at 7.

19 is good. 😀

The nurses at Aberdeen are great. They keep you right.

The wait to start treatment seems to take forever but as soon as your treatment starts, it flies by.

Feel free to contact me if you need any advice/just to chat.

i guess they are going to tell you they will do ICSI for you. (Injecting sperm in to eggs)

Best of luck! Remember you are not alone! X

Maikai profile image
Maikai in reply to Blueyes1

Thanks so much!!! They haven't told me anything about whether they do ivf or I so yet ... maybe that will come later! Good luck on Friday xx

Blueyes1 profile image
Blueyes1 in reply to Maikai

Thank you 😘

Oakey80 profile image

Hi Maikai, I think I'm at a similar stage to you. Starting our first icsi treatment next month. My hubby also has poor swimmers! I think my injections will start around mid February so I think we're at a similar stage...shame I'm all the way down in Wiltshire but I'd be happy to chat if you need to along the way 😊

Maikai profile image
Maikai in reply to Oakey80

Sounds great!!! Send me a message :-) how old are you?

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